

第1个回答  2013-09-23
Eastern Pacific first year, the Wuling personal depend on fishing for a living. One day he travels down the creek boating , forgetting a distant journey . Suddenly encountered a Peach Grove , peach grown in Creek River, up to several hundred , of which no other trees, flowers and bright beautiful , flower variety. Fisherman on the Peach Grove was really surprised , and move forward , you want to come to this end of Peach Grove . Taolin the end of the stream is the place of origin , they saw a mountain, the mountain there is a small hole, the hole seems a bit dim light . Fisherman's boat got out from the hole to enter. Initially , Yamaguchi is very narrow , only allow a person through . They walked Ji Shibu , eyes suddenly bright open up. Flat, open land , houses neat . There is fertile land, beautiful pond , bamboo and the like mulberry scene . Farm road staggered interlinked, ( between the villages ) cock dog can hear each other 's voices. People come and go in the fields farming labor, men and women wear the same with people outside paradise . The elderly and children , are very relaxed, have lent their music . Human village very surprised to see Fisherman , Fisherman asked where they came from . Fisherman detailed answer . Human village fisherman invited into their houses . Prepare wine, kill the chicken to make meals entertain him . The villagers heard of such a person , to come and ask messages. They said to myself when the Qin ancestors to escape war, led the county with his wife and children , and came to this isolated place , no longer went out, and cut off from the world outside paradise . Q. What is the human village fisherman dynasty , and did not even know there have been Han Dynasty , not to mention the Wei , Jin things up . Fisherman's put himself heard to say one thing to a human village to listen . Human village have lamented sorry. Each of the others were invited into their homes to fishermen , have come up with wine and food to entertain him. Fisherman's stay in paradise in a few days later, on to the village people leave, leave. The people here told him: " The situation here is not worth it for people outside say ." Fisherman's already out, find his boat, and back along the original path , all the way around the mark . Juncheng to go Meet prefect , said such a situation paradise . Prefect immediately sent followed him , looking for the original making its mark , and ultimately lost its way , could not find the road leading to paradise . Nanyang County, Liu Ji , is a noble hermit , after hearing this , happily planning a trip to paradise . But did not realize , and soon died. No one to look after will no longer go the way of paradise .


11、原:其中往来种作,男女衣着,悉如外人。译:那里面的人们来来往往耕田劳作,男女的穿戴完全像桃花源外的世人。12、原:黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。 译:老人和小孩都悠闲愉快,自得其乐的样子。13、原:见渔人,乃大惊,问所从来。译:桃源中人看见渔人,便很惊奇,问渔人从哪里来。14、原:具答...

回答:文章译文 东晋太元年间,武陵有个人靠捕鱼为生。一天他顺着小溪划船行进,忘记了路途的遥远。忽然遇到一片桃花林,桃树生长在溪的两岸,长达数百步,其中没有别的树,花草鲜艳美丽,落花繁多。渔人对桃花林感到十分诧异,又往前走,想要走到这桃花林的尽头。 桃林的尽头正是溪水发源的地方,就看见了一座山,...


桃花源记 魏晋:陶渊明 1、晋太原中,武陵人,捕鱼为业,缘溪行,忘路之远近。忽逢桃花林,夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷,渔人甚异之;复前行,欲穷其林。东晋太元年间,有个武陵人依靠打鱼为生。有一天他顺着小河行船,忘了路程的远近。忽然遇到一片桃花林,桃树夹着小河两岸生长,在...


桃花源记 陶渊明 【第一段】晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业。缘溪行,忘路之远近。忽逢桃花林, 夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。渔人甚异之。复前行,欲穷其林。【翻译】东晋太元年间,武陵郡有个人以打鱼为生。(一天),他们顺着溪水划船,忘记了路程的远近。忽然遇到(一片)桃花林,...



《桃花源记》就是在这样的背景下创作的。 三、古汉语句式 1)判断句 例:南阳刘子骥,高尚士也。(“也”表判断。句意:南阳刘子骥是高尚的名士。) 2)省略句 省主语: 例一:山有小口,仿佛若有光。(是“〈小口〉仿佛若有光”的省略。句意:山上有一个小洞口,〈小口里面〉隐隐约约好像有些光亮。) 例二:...
