


1、Tom Soya: Thomas Soya, a clever and lively, full of sense of justice, and was full of resentment of the little boy on the family, the school and the church;hate boring homework, deceptive teachings and the rigidity of the living environment, the dream when the "Pirates", the pursuit of freedom and adventure together.

2、Hakbely Finn: shengbide town recognized the "wild child", father is a drunkard,unconstrained, but being pure, is a free wanderer; the relationship between Tom and his closest to him, as a friend, then saved the widow Douglas life by its adoption.

3、Aunt Polly: Tom's aunt, kind-hearted, strict requirements for Tom, trying to teach Tom into polite, educated children.

4、Sid: Tom's brother, a good "poster child", good results. Often against Tom, likesue Tom to aunt Polly.

5、Marie: Polly's aunt's daughter, Tom's cousin, also a good simple, naive,compassionate, fair girl.

第1个回答  2014-08-12
The adventures of Tom Sawyer "main character profile
Tom Soya: Thomas Soya, a clever and lively, full of sense of justice, and was full of resentment of the little boy on the family, the school and the church;hate boring homework, deceptive teachings and the rigidity of the living environment, the dream when the "Pirates", the pursuit of freedom and adventure together.
Hakbely Finn: shengbide town recognized the "wild child", father is a drunkard,unconstrained, but being pure, is a free wanderer; the relationship between Tom and his closest to him, as a friend, then saved the widow Douglas life by its adoption.
Aunt Polly: Tom's aunt, kind-hearted, strict requirements for Tom, trying to teach Tom into polite, educated children.
Sid: Tom's brother, a good "poster child", good results. Often against Tom, likesue Tom to aunt Polly.
Marie: Polly's aunt's daughter, Tom's cousin, also a good simple, naive,compassionate, fair girl.
Betsy Thatcher: the daughter of Judge Thatcher, lively and lovely, Tom darling, Tom was seeing her at first "love" on her.
Joy Habo: Tom the best friend, confidant, and Tom, Hakbely Finn together in the Jackson island had a they wanted pirate life.
Mov Porter: a "drunkard", in order to earn money to buy drinks and to help the young doctor Robinson tomb, the results were associates of Indian Joe framed, was framed for murder, after due to Tom's brave testimony can be acquitted.
Joe: Indian Indians, insidious, and Mov Porter together to help Dr. Robinson grave robbers killed the doctor, and the counts of Jia a curse to Mov Porter,but in the end because of greed and starved to death in the cave.
Judge Thatcher: Betsy Thatcher's father, the town of St Petersburg lawyer Jeff Thatcher's brother, is a great figure in the town of St Petersburg in the eyes of the.
The widow Douglas: beautiful, kind and rich, because Hakbely Finn once saved her life, and later adopted him.
Jim: Aunt Polly little nigger, kind-hearted, lovely.
Amy Lawrence: the first engagement of Tom and beauty.














1、Tom Soya: Thomas Soya, a clever and lively, full of sense of justice, and was full of resentment of the little boy on the family, the school and the church;hate boring homework, deceptive teachings and the rigidity of the living environment, the dream when the "Pirates",...

1、汤姆·索亚 全名托马斯·索亚,本小说的主人公。他是个聪明爱动又调皮捣蛋的孩子,姨妈罚他星期六不能去玩而是刷墙,他却会忽悠别人说刷墙是件很好玩儿的事儿,让其他孩子抢着为他刷墙。汤姆骨子里具有冒险风格,他会约上小伙伴们去做海盗。汤姆也足智多谋,他和哈克一起破坏了杀人犯乔埃的阴...




汤姆索亚历险记人物简介如下:1、汤姆索亚:一个聪明爱动的孩子,在他身上集中体现了智慧、计谋、正义、勇敢乃至领导等诸多才能,是一个多重角色的集合,足智多谋,富于同情心,对现实环境持反感态度,一心要冲出桎梏,过行侠仗义的生活;2、波莉姨妈:汤姆的姨妈,心地善良,担负着抚养汤姆的责任 ;3...

汤姆.索亚 汤姆是个有着敢于追求,敢于冒险的热情思想和聪明机智又调皮捣蛋的孩子,在他身上集中体现了智慧、计谋、正义、勇敢乃至领导等诸多才能。他的聪明,正直,是一般孩子没有的。 他是一个多重角色的集合,足智多谋,富于同情心,对现实环境持反感态度,一心要冲出桎梏,去当海盗,过行侠...

一、汤姆·索亚 汤姆·索亚是马克·吐温的杰作《汤姆·索亚历险记》中的核心人物。他机智、活泼,充满探险精神,尽管经常因为调皮而受到波莉姨妈的惩罚,但他总能以自己的方式化解困境。汤姆的聪明和正义感在故事中多次帮助他克服难关,他对抗邪恶势力的勇气和智慧使他成为孩子们心中的英雄。二、哈克贝利...


是要英文版的人物简介的意思吗?如果不是请忽略。Tom Sawyer - The novel’s protagonist. Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination who spends most of the novel getting himself, and often his friends, into and out of trouble. Despite his mischief, Tom has a good heart ...
