

关键词:《哈姆雷特》 《窦娥冤》 悲剧精神 中西差异

莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚最负盛名的剧本。主要讲的是丹麦王子哈姆雷特的父王逝世,叔叔克劳迪斯当上王。哈姆雷特怀疑父亲是被克劳迪斯杀害的,于是他准备复仇。最后他终于杀死了克劳迪斯,而自己也中毒身亡了。
而《窦娥冤》是中国十大悲剧之一的传统剧目,是一出具有较高文化价值、广泛群众基础的名剧,据统计,我国约八十六个剧种上演过此剧。《窦娥冤》 元●关汉卿作。写窦娥被无赖诬陷,又被官府错判斩刑的冤屈故事。《窦娥冤》全名《感天动地窦娥冤》。
悲剧是以悲惨的结局,来揭示生活中的罪恶,即以人生有价值的东西毁灭给人看,从而激起观众的悲愤及崇敬,达到提高思想情操的目的。(…..) “生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题”是《哈姆雷特》的悲剧。而窦娥的冤屈在“为善的受贫穷更命短,造恶的享宝贵又寿延。天地也,做得个怕硬欺软,却原来也这般顺水推船。地也,你不分好歹何为地?天也,你错勘贤愚枉作天!”这样的愤慨中,六月飞雪、大旱三年一一应验,最后冤情得以伸雪。这两部悲剧藏着不同的矛盾主线,从而引发了不同的悲剧结局。同样是悲剧,一个的命运有英雄似的悲壮,而一个的命运则被描绘得极有浪漫主义色彩。

From the "Dou" and "Hamlet" tragedy of Chinese and Western differences
Tragedy is a drama genre, is an important river of world literature, a treasure more than the classic theme, but not for men and women fell in love with the hero's tragic life, broken families, social issues and national destruction, etc. China has a long five thousand history of civilization, and its treasure trove of tragedy in the world literature also plays an important role. The tragedy in the world in the development of Shakespeare and the most representative of Guan Hanqing is two characters. "Hamlet" and "Dou" Guan Hanqing, respectively, and the tragedy of Shakespeare's masterpiece, is one of many classic plays in the tragedy, the tragedy of the West and China they are typical of the spirit of difference. This contradiction between two different hidden tragedy of the main line, which led to the tragedy of a different outcome. "Hamlet", the Christ-like crime and punishment, redemption and salvation of contradictions constitutes the internal tragedy of Hamlet; in "Dou E", the Dou defend the honor of China's feudal ethical code and a variety of ethical and moral strength conflicts between the formation of a Dou tragedy ideological roots. These two different guiding ideology led to the creation of Western classical tragedy the hero of the existence of different character, different from the tragedy of the conflict, the tragedy of a different outcome, and a different plot. Through comparative analysis, we will learn and understand the differences between Western tragedies.

Keywords: "Hamlet" "Dou" the spirit of Western tragedy difference

1 Introduction:
Shakespeare (W. William Shakespeare; 1564 ~ 1616) the great English Renaissance dramatist, poet, humanist Renaissance master of literature. "Hamlet" is Shakespeare's most famous plays. Mainly talking about the Danish prince Hamlet's father's death, his uncle Claudius became king. Hamlet suspected his father was killed by Claudius, so he was prepared to revenge. At last he killed Claudius, while he also died of poisoning.
And "Dou" is one of China's top ten tragedy of the traditional repertoire, is a high cultural value, popularly based plays, according to statistics, about eighty-six operas staged the play. "Dou" meta ● Guan Hanqing for. Framed by rogue write Dou, has been wrongly cut official grievances sentence story. "Dou" Full Name "sense of heaven and earth Dou."
Tragedy is a tragic end, to reveal the life of sin, that is, destruction of valuable things in life posters to stimulate the audience's grief and respect, to achieve the purpose of improving the ideological sentiment. (... ..) "To be or not, this is a question worthy of consideration" is "Hamlet" tragedy. While Dou's grievances in the "more for the good life short by poverty, committing evil for sharing valuable and life extension. Heaven and earth are, afraid of doing a hard bully soft, but the original is such a push boat sailing. To have you, regardless of Anyhow, what manner? days also, you are wrong Kan Xian Yu vain for days! "This kind of indignation, the June snow, drought three years eleven fulfilled, the final stretch of grievances to the snow. This contradiction between two different hidden tragedy of the main line, which led to the tragedy of a different outcome. Is also a tragedy, like a tragic hero's fate, but fate was depicted a very romantic color.
This article tries to two in the West the culmination of dramatic genius - Guan Hanqing's "Dou" and Shakespeare's "Hamlet" for comparison, from the tragic hero, tragic conflict, tragic ending and plot aspects to the spirit of the tragedy of the major differences between Chinese and Western, and thus reflects the different cultural roots.
第1个回答  2011-09-29
第2个回答  2011-10-01
In order to consolidate political status, the founder of the Ming Yuanzhang Zhu emperor had taken a series of measures to punish corrupt officials, with particular emphasis the role of law in punishing corrupt officials. These measures were not possible to fundamentally curb corruption existed, but it undoubtedly played an important role to the early Ming socio-economic prosperity and consolidation of the political status.
第3个回答  2011-10-10
In order to consolidate political status, the founder of the Ming Yuanzhang Zhu emperor had taken a series of measures to punish corrupt officials, with particular emphasis the role of law in punishing corrupt officials. These measures were not possible to fundamentally curb corruption existed, but it undoubtedly played an important role to the early Ming socio-economic prosperity and consolidation of the political status.
第4个回答  2011-09-28
In order to consolidate political status, the founder of the Ming Yuanzhang Zhu emperor had taken a series of measures to punish corrupt officials,追问

