

第1个回答  2011-12-30
As we know that many people have been addicted to smoking. I think it a bad habbit . because it can bring about many bad results.First it will do damge to their health.especially to their lung(肺) .Second,it will affect their study.because they have devoted much to smoking and they can not be energetic in they study.Third, it will waste much money,which should be spent on their study.Finally it will also pollute the air around us.So I think they should get rid of it as soon as possible.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-12-30
Please do not smoke cigarettesNature not only give people a beautiful ecological environment, also give people a fresh air. With the development of society, people's life, work, increasing pressure to learn, a lot of people in order to decompression, in order to better, to start smoking, knowing that smoking is harmful to health, but also for not smoking around people more harmful, also constantly smoking; for the health of you and others, please do not smoke!In fact, everyone has pressure, stress is not necessarily to smoke, and smoking is also not necessarily can decompression. Take some time to have a look the good books, to upgrade their skills, take part in all kinds of sports, tourism scenery to have a look, take a walk, participate in meaningful activities, these can be really decompression. To relax the mood, every day happy, feel no pressure.Let us work together, to persuade people around to give up smoking, keep good environment of the earth at the same time, keep fresh air, so that everyone can be happy!
第3个回答  2011-12-30