1 Solar system is by receives the system which the gravitational pull restraint the heavenly body is composed, its most wide range approximately may extend to 1 light year outside. Solar system's main member includes: Sun (star), nine planets (including Earth), innumerable planetoids...
翻译:The sun and the solar system by the gravitational effect of its operation objects around it constitute the celestial system. It includes the sun, eight planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids and interplanetary matter. Human beings living on Earth is a member ...
1、he solar system is a large mass of the sun, with its huge gravity to maintain the surrounding planets, satellites, asteroids and comets around its celestial system.太阳系,是质量很大的太阳,以其巨大的引力维持着周边行星、卫星、小行星和彗星绕其运转的天体系统 。2、Mercury, closest ...
The Solar System comprises the Sun and celestial bodies bound to it by gravity. These bodies originated from the collapse of a giant molecular cloud around 4.6 billion years ago. They orbit the Sun in a nearly flat disk known as the ecliptic plane, with the majority of the mas...
The Solar System[a] consists of the Sun and those celestial objects bound to it by gravity, all of which formed from the collapse of a giant molecular cloud approximately 4.6 billion years ago. The Sun's retinue of objects circle it in a nearly flat disc called the ecliptic ...
solar system consists of the Sun and the other celestial objects gravitationally bound to it: the eight planets, their 165 known moons,[1] three dwarf planets (Ceres, Pluto, and Eris and their four known moons), and billions of small bodies. This last category includes asteroids,...
太阳系的英文是solar system。太阳系(英文:Solar system)是一个以太阳为中心,受太阳引力约束在一起的天体系统,包括太阳、行星及其卫星、矮行星、小行星、彗星和行星际物质。太阳系位于距银河系中心大约2.4~2.7万光年的位置(银河系的恒星数量约在1000亿到4000亿之间,太阳只是其中之一)。太阳以220...
The sun is the nearest star, is the central body of the solar system. The solar mass of 99.87% are concentrated in the sun. Eight major planets in the solar system, stars, comets, asteroids, stars and interstellar dust off the coast of Wang Xing, revolves around the sun (...
太阳系的英文是Solar System。太阳系是指太阳及其所控制的宇宙天体构成的一个系统。在太阳系中,太阳是中心天体,它占据了太阳系质量的绝大部分。太阳系还包括了八大行星,以及其他小行星、流星体、彗星和数以亿计的太阳系小天体。这些天体都受到太阳的引力影响,并围绕太阳公转。除此之外,太阳系还包含...
Views of the Solar System presents a vivid multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more. Discover the latest scientific information, or study the history of space exploration, rocketry, early astronauts, space missions, spacecraft ...