

Last Saturday an vnforgetable thing happened. I was tired,but was happy
I walked home form school. I was an old people standing by theroadside with a heavy bag on his book. He seemed very very worried. I went up to
asked ,he what the matter was. The old people told me that he had just
come from the poor village to see his son who worked in the steel works As he had never been here before. He did not know the way to the factor . So I took him there. There was really a lot of hard time in finding his son’s place. The old people and his son were very thankful to me,they were very excited!
Last day off. I went home late. I was hungry and thirsty . But I was happy.
望采纳 谢谢
第1个回答  2012-01-03
Dear ....,
I'm new in China. I have trouble now.I really need your help now, can you help me ?
I can't understan Chinese very well. i have trouble communicating with others. And I don't know how to behave at the table,it's different from the way in our country. And sometimes I am afraid of going to the party beacause I don't know what to say or do.
could you please help me out ?
第2个回答  2012-01-03
1、Foreign friends troubled by asking for directions(被问路问题困扰的外国朋友)
2、Foreign friends ’wonder——How to use chopsticks(外国朋友的疑惑—怎么用筷子)
第3个回答  2012-01-03
My foreign friends met on the issue of Chinese use chopsticks, he can hope to have a Chinese when his teacher and helped him in this difficult
第4个回答  2012-01-04
Help! Fuqi feipian this vegetables is what mean