

A Two-faced Volcano 夏威夷火山可能再次喷发
There's no doubting Kilauea's beauty. Its frequent lava flows running down to the ocean's edge are a big attraction.
But scientists say their latest research indicates that explosive eruptions of ash and rock have been far more common in the past than the gentle, photogenic outflows seen today.
By studying the charred remains of plants caught up in historic blasts, they've established that Kilauea's more violent mode has dominated the last 2,500 years.
A classic example was 1790, when the volcano hurled rock and ash at island inhabitants, killing many hundreds of people. The event remains the most lethal known eruption in America.
Scientists say it's not possible to predict if this violent behaviour will return but should it come back, large parts of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park would be off-limits for a long time.
Scientists say there should be ample warning of a change in behaviour so it's not something local people should worry about just now.

There's no doubting Kilauea's beauty. Its frequent lava flows running down to the ocean's edge are a big attraction.But scientists say their latest research indicates that explosive eruptions of ash and rock have been far more common in the past than the gentle, photogenic outflow...

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What a blast! "Were in class, we heard a thunders. After a while, after a lightning, several beans big rain fell down, and soon the became a large inches."Mistakes", over the zero rang, I think: oh, I've screwed, I didn't bring an umbrella, didn't take a raincoat,...

急求一篇《倾听雨的诉说》作文。 必有重谢! 周末闲暇无事,披了件外套蜷缩在临窗的沙发里,橘黄色的落地窗帘温柔的垂在地板上,我将窗帘拉开半扇,窗外雨打芭蕉,秋夜寒如水,微觉凉意,室内一片静谧。信手捻来一本诗词,听风听雨翻书卷,让思绪溶入身外世界,体味古人的呢哝婉转与激昂慷慨,应是妙境。 忘却一切嘈杂心...

你好,应该是:Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities. Some students think it’s a good idea to keep pets because old people who live alone at home can get some comfort from pets.. Besides, getting along well with animals ...

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