
1 将来会有学校吗
2 伦敦是英国的首都,有700万人口
3 中国人非常擅长体操
4 最受人们欢迎的飞机是波音747

Is there going to be a school in the future?
London is the capital of the UK.It has a population of 7,000,000
The Chinese people are very good at gymnastics.
The most popular plane is Boeing 747.
第1个回答  2011-08-13
1.Will there be schools in the future ?
2.London is the capital of the England with the population of 7 million.
3.The Chinese is very good at gymnastics.
4.The most popular plane among the people is Boeing 747.
第2个回答  2011-08-13
1)Will there are schools?
2)London is the capital of English, which has a population of seven million.
3)Chinese are really good at gymnastics.
4)The most popular plane is Boeing 747.
第3个回答  2011-08-13
Will there be any school?
London ,the capital of the UK ,has a population of seven million.
Chinese people are very good at gymnastics.
It is Jumbo Jet(Boyin 747) that people like best.
第4个回答  2011-08-13
Will there be a scholl in the future?
London is the capital of Britain ,and it has 7million person
Chinese are very good at gymnastics
The most welcomed plane by the people is Boeing 747
第5个回答  2011-08-13
1.will have the school in the future?
2.London which has a population of 7 million is the capital of Britain
3.The Chinese people are very good at gymnastics
4.The most welcomed by the people of the plane is Boeing 747