valder fields 这首歌的英文歌词用中文怎么读

举个例子 YES =噎死

第1个回答  2011-09-12



I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry.
  人们在valder fields的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我 (也有人理解为是喷泉几乎干涸)
  Lying in the sun after I had tried
  Lying in the sun by the side
  We all agreed that the council would end at three hours over time.
  Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights,
  I was running late.
  (I)could apply for another one I guess.
  If department stores are best.
  They said there would be delays, only temporary pay
  She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep
  (on the)stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life.
  人们发现身穿 在valder fields定做的晚礼服 的她躺在门外的台阶上 对着一个说到他热爱他的生活就会哭的男人 沉沉地睡着。
  We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door
  (In )case he slept outside and was found in two days
  In Valder Fields with a mountain view.
  所以他只能露宿在外,并且在两天后被人发现和valder fields的山景睡在一起。

第2个回答  2011-09-11
弗阿尔达 弗意欧兹追问


求《Valder Fields》这首歌的中英文歌词,带英文音标。
I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed tha...

求《Valder Fields》这首歌的中英文歌词,带英文音标。
歌词来自360百科 I was found on the ground by the fountain 被你发现时我就躺在一眼泉水旁 about a field of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after i had tired 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 便躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed th...

Valder Fields,这个地方仿佛是童年的摇篮,深深地烙印在回忆中。在路易斯安那州的古老棉田里,母亲曾轻哄我入睡,那里的故事和温暖如今似乎成了一个甜蜜的烦恼。一次,我在田间不慎被铁钉扎破了轮胎,不得不长途跋涉寻找帮助。在那个陌生的城镇,我遇见了一位和蔼的老人,他戴着一顶帽子,成为了我回家...

Valder Fields 歌词翻译 谢谢了

《valder fields》 这个歌曲的题目用英语怎么读?
应该是 valder[vældə] fields[fi:lz]汉语拼音的话 大概就是 wan l der fi l z 额 那个l不能当拼音读 。。。瓦尔德只不过是翻成的汉语 和原来的发音不一样 就像Peter 翻成彼得 John翻成约翰 发音根本不一样

Valder Fields 歌词翻译 谢谢了

《Valder fields》的英文歌词加中文翻译,谢谢!
In Valder Fields with a mountain view.现在Valder Fields崇山峻岭的景色依然未改变。另一版本歌词(来自KuGou音乐)I was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried...

谁能帮我把【valder fields】Tamas Wells用汉语把英语歌词念出来
a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的...

valder fields中文版(valder fields中文歌词)
在valder fields的喷泉旁,我被发现几乎快被太阳晒干,仿佛是被遗忘的角落。有人认为是喷泉自身快干涸了。我曾试图翻越喷泉的边墙,勇气却在半途消失,只能躺在地上。阳光与我并肩躺下,我们曾立下约定,议会将在三小时后结束。然而,在交通灯前我系好鞋带的那一刻,时间仿佛停滞,我仍旧迟到了。我...

tamas wells-valder fields 这首歌的歌词
Valder Fields 歌词 I was found on the ground by the fountain about a fields of a summer stride lying in the sun after i had tried lying in the sun by the side we all agreed that the council would end up three hours over time shoe laces were tied at the traffic ...
