






第1个回答  2007-07-19
Do women really difficult ah!

Tingnan woman in this life : a beautiful point it is too likely, it is not pretty, Nabuchushou; Higher learning, Nobody dares take married, low-knowledge, Nobody wants; lively all time that you Qiaofengyindie, dignified point bar, you posturing; will be dressed that you genie is not dressed up, said you do not have the feminine;

Earn their own right, men are deterred by the men support it, you lean on moneybags; Children, fear of being sacked boss, not having children, for fear her husband fired. Fat, fear of others accused of being "fat woman"; Skinny, not sexy. High, for fear that their boyfriend to narrow the scope of linear; Dwarf, afraid they buy clothes total spend two money diverted bottom of trouser leg. Pretty long, fear of sirens Impressions; Not pretty long, but fearing facelift for the price is too high.

Lovely type, afraid that they will never Glass Ceiling, no mature women Charm; Charm-the fear of their old too fast, daily newspaper loaded with cute babies antenna. Do housework, for fear that other people feel that not enough thought, as if nature is a nanny. Not doing chores, afraid of her boyfriend praise deciding girlfriend catches good to eat vegetables.

Like the Internet, for fear that other people feel that their lives are too empty, no one will pursue an extremely boring; Not like the Internet, others fear that their behavior, but going out for dinner, lost for a few jokes. Have a boyfriend, afraid that he might encounter one of how do better; No boyfriend, is not worried that no one would marry us. Find a rich boyfriend, afraid of other people that the temptation of money, hanged out with the rich; Find the money to the boyfriend, fearing their grievances.

In short, do women really difficult! ! I wish Ladies 38 happier!
第2个回答  2007-08-01
愚蠢,女人对男人的要求更多。男人1:事业,2:身高 3:强壮,
第3个回答  2007-07-20
Is the woman to be really difficult! Woman this whole life very difficult: Floats the luminescent spot, tooconspicuous, is unattractive, takes gets rid of; The knowledge hasbeen high, nobody dares to marry, the knowledge has lowered, nobodywants; The lively spot, said you incur the bee to direct thebutterfly, acts with constraint, said you put on airs; Can dress up,said you are the spirit, cannot dress up, said you do not have thewoman taste; From has made money, the man shrinks back at the sight, depends on theman to raise, said you approach the rich person; Gives birth to thechild, feared is fried by boss the squid, does not give birth to thechild, feared is fried by the husband the squid. Fat, feared theothers scold "the fat husband's mother"; Thin, also not sex appeal.High, feared oneself looks for boyfriend's scope straight line toreduce; Short, feared oneself buys clothes to have to spend twodollars to change the trousers foot. The long unattractiveness, fearedthe young person assigns thinly; Long is unattractive, also fearedtidies up the technique price too to be high. Lovable, feared oneself forever is long is not big, does not have themature woman's graceful bearing; The graceful bearing, feared oneselfold too is quick, each divine retribution antenna baby is installinglovably. Can do the housework, feared the others thought oneselfinsufficiently is aloof from worldly affairs, as if inborn is anursemaid; Cannot do the housework, feared who the boyfriend doespraise who girlfriend the vegetable to burn very much delicious. Likes accessing the net, feared the others thought oneself lives toovoid, certain nobody pursue, bored side; Does not like accessing thenet, feared the others said the oneself bumpkin, moreover exits eatsmeal cannot mention several jokes. Has the boyfriend, feared how 11000do meet to be better manages; Without the boyfriend, worried is notcannot marry. Has looked for the rich boyfriend, feared the otherssaid oneself seeks after the wealth, approaches the rich person; Haslooked for not the money boyfriend, also feared oneself is put. In brief, is the woman to be really difficult! ! Wishes ladies三八节 to be joyful!
第4个回答  2007-07-19
很长啊~ 有空告诉你
第5个回答  2007-07-20
Evyli333 - 经理 五级 回答的好,不是软件翻译的,句子通顺,表达得当

she's afraid of the old verse "beauty died young". If she is not beautiful, she's afraid that the rate for plastic surgery is too high.可爱型的,怕自己永远长不大,没有成熟女人的风韵;风韵型的,怕自己老的太快,每天报着天线宝宝装可爱。会做家务的,怕别人觉得自己不够清高,...

1.做穷人至少有一个好处:知道自己是否真的被爱。There's at least benefit of being poor: knowing whether u'r truely loved.2.武断就是:只使用铅笔,不需要橡皮。An arbitrary decision is from pencle without eraser.3.孩子长的标志是:不再问他从哪里来,也不再回答他到哪里去。The symbols...

1.晚饭后,母亲和女儿一块儿洗碗盘,父亲和儿子在客厅看电视。突然,厨房里传来打破盘子的响声,然后一片沉寂。儿子望着他父亲,说道:“一定是妈妈打破的。”“你怎么知道?”“她没有骂人。”1.After supper,mother and daughter were washing dishes,while father and son (were) watching TV ...

1.男人可以不帅,但一定要有个性,可以不富有,但一定要懂得怎么去寻找机遇,可以藐视一切,但一定要孝敬双亲。1.A man may not be handsome,but must have specific character;may not be rich,but must know how to seek opportunities;may thing scorn of the whole world,but must honor his p...

200 分求英文翻译句子(很有难度)

A father and his son saw a very luxurious imported car .The son said scornfully:"A man who owns such a car must have little knowledge in his mind." The father responded lightly :"A man who says such words must have little money in his poket."不知道这样翻译行不行?呵呵 ...


12、 学问之美,在于使人一头雾水;诗歌之美,在于煽动男女出轨;女人之美,在于蠢得 无怨无悔;男人之美,在于说谎说得白日见鬼。 13、 在乎你的我只在乎我在乎的是是否在乎在乎你的我,我在乎的你是否和在乎你的我在乎我在乎的你一样在乎在乎你的我,小样儿,看晕你! 14、 听说过吗?前世的五百次回眸,才换得...

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女人的生活并不富裕,但却喜欢在生活里营造出一些微小的浪漫,比如此时的浪漫于她就是买一盆颜色鲜艳,执着生长的时新仙人掌。 女人拿起仙人掌左右挑选了很久,价格不贵,与花鸟市场上的相比便宜许多,挑定了自己喜欢的两个,准备双数一起买。 老头满脸胡扎,一个劲说这植物的种种优点,如何好看好养还净化空气,末了搓...
