【主要内容】: Tommy wishes his embarrassing grandad hadn't come to see him piay in the school football match, but he changes his mind when the team is one short.= = Chapter1: Every friday after school,tommy went to Grandad's house for tea. Take-away fish and chips wit...
典范英语7第14本 pass the ball (传球)故事梗概,中英文皆可 快快快快快...
【主要内容】: Tommy wishes his embarrassing grandad hadn't come to see him piay in the school football match, but he changes his mind when the team is one short.= =Chapter1: Every friday after school,tommy went to Grandad's house for tea. Take-away fish and chips with extra-hot curry...
On Daniel's birthday, he woke up and found a big box by his bed. It looked like a kennel. Suddenly Daniel cried ‘A dog! ’He wanted a dog for a long time. He jump out of the bed and run to the box quickly and open the kennel door.But that wasn’t a real dog,...
典范英语7坦白主要内容 请用英语概括每一章节并附上中文
【译文】A teacher always wears a dirty pants, however for the sake of a parent will the teacher made change a new pants and the new blouse of kit that he likes very much.【原文】可是Derek在画画时不小心把绿颜料抹在了老师的裤子上,于是他和Janey决定偷偷把老师的裤子带回家洗干净...
一、典范英语7第7本来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工故事梗概 The castle was dirty, nobody wants to clean up. King Harry says he can do housework with two colonels. But the queen is not allowed. She said such loses face, the emperor should go hunting dragons. Then she went on a journey...
典范英语6、7、8、9英文内容概括 一、第6本: simon and his rescue dog——kelly.they are going to the western Turkey to resue the hunt people.Because there was happen a biggest ever recorded earthquake.kelly is a very special dog. 翻译:Simon 和他的救援犬 kelly 他们准备去土耳其西部重新起诉那...
典范英语7 第8——13本中文概括(不用太详细,英文也行,每本50字左右...
典范英语7第一本概括 <Amy The Hedgehog Girl>This book is about the little girl Amy wanted to be a hedgehog expert. She went to the library to borrow a book and a tape. And Amy learned to talk with the hedgehog.Amy found hedgehogs in Mr. Peck’s garden. But Mr. Peck ...