

Kyoto, Tokyo, Imperial Palace and Park Sunpu History: Japan's ancient capital of Kyoto, similar to China's Xi'an, the historical and cultural heritage more, retained a large number of temples, shrines and other religious facilities, have relatively famous Kiyomizu-dera, high-Tak Temple, etc. now as a tourist resource development and utilization of well. In the history of Japan is a relatively backward country, to the 18th century, entered the era of the Meiji Restoration, Japan a radical reform, the backward direction by the powerful, the capital moved to Tokyo from Kyoto, the Emperor's palace is now located in downtown Tokyo, the Second re-bridge, and has been retained to the present. Now the Royal Palace in the capital of Japan before the screen times the strength of families to send characters - General Tokugawa Ieyasu palaces, after Tokugawa Ieyasu moved the capital from Tokyo to move to the city center is now the largest park in Shizuoka - Sunpu Park location, and later and now developed into the general scope of Shizuoka Prefecture.
Historical and cultural heritage: a lot of Japanese people are very ancient temples of worship, belief in the gods, such as spiritual support, and has a special memorial day to worship, they promised desire to pray the gods bless, let the freedom of religious belief.
第1个回答  2012-02-13
The history of Japan encompasses the history of the islands of Japan and the Japanese people, spanning the ancient history of the region to the modern history of Japan as a nation state. Following the last ice age, around 12,000 BC, the rich ecosystem of the Japanese Archipelago fostered human development. The earliest-known pottery belongs to the Jōmon period. The first known written reference to Japan is in the brief information given in Twenty-Four Histories in the 1st century AD. The main cultural and religious influences came from China.

The first permanent capital was founded at Nara in 710 AD, which became a center of Buddhist art, religion and culture. The current imperial family emerged about 700 AD, but until 1868 (with few exceptions) had high prestige but little power. By 1550 or so political power was subdivided into several hundred local units, or "domains" controlled by local "daimyō" (lords), each with his own force of samurai warriors. Tokugawa Ieyasu came to power in 1600, gave land to his supporters, set up his "bakufu" (military government) at Edo (modern Tokyo). The "Tokugawa period" was prosperous and peaceful, but Japan deliberately terminated the Christian missions and cut off almost all contact with the outside world. In the 1860s the Meiji Period began, and the new national leadership systematically ended feudalism and transformed an isolated, underdeveloped island country into a world power that closely followed Western models. Democracy was problematic, because Japan's powerful military was semi-independent and overruled—or assassinated—civilians in the 1920s and 1930s. The military moved into China starting in 1931 but was defeated in the Pacific War by the United States and Britain.

Occupied by the U.S. after the war and stripped of its conquests, Japan was transformed into a peaceful and democratic nation. After 1950 it enjoyed very high economic growth rates, and became a world economic powerhouse, especially in automobiles and electronics. Since the 1990s economic stagnation has been a major issue, with an earthquake and tsunami in 2011 causing massive economic dislocations.本回答被网友采纳

Kyoto, Tokyo, Imperial Palace and Park Sunpu History: Japan's ancient capital of Kyoto, similar to China's Xi'an, the historical and cultural heritage more, retained a large number of temples, shrines and other religious facilities, have relatively famous Kiyomizu-dera, high-Tak Tem...

3.1 日本(Japan):东亚岛国:日本位于亚洲东部,太平洋西部,领土由北海道、本州、四国和九州四个大岛及其附近的3900多个岛屿组成。首都东京。通用语言:日语。 多山的地形:日本是一个多山的岛国,国土的3\/4为山地丘陵。关东平原是日本最大的平原。富士山:著名的活火山,海拔3776名,为日本最高峰。

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