
⑥星鼻鼹鼠(Star-nosed Mole)生活在潮湿的低地地区,主要分布于美国北部及加拿大。以土壤中的小虫子为食。善于游泳和挖掘,它们通过自己星形的鼻子观察世界,它们的鼻子上分布着22个触手。星鼻鼹鼠是世界上吃饭最快的哺乳动物。它还是一个游泳高手,可以潜伏在河流和池塘底部。
⑦眼镜猴(Philippine tarsier)是全世界已知的最小猴种。在它们小小的脸庞上,长着两只圆溜溜的特别大的眼睛,眼珠的直径可以超过1厘米。它们的的脑袋能够转动180度,眼镜猴是夜猫子,它总在夜里出来捕食昆虫。它们的身体只有9到16厘米大,它们生活在东南亚的一些海岛上。
⑧土豚 (Orycteropus afer) 是南非和非洲中部哺乳动物。长1~1.5米。耳长,吻如猪,舌长而粘。爪强而有力,善掘洞。栖草原和林地。食蚁和白蚁。夜行为主。又称蚁熊或土猪。
⑨瘦长懒猴(Nycticebus coucang)来自印度南部及斯里兰卡,害羞,夜间活动的灵长类动物,拥有一双巨眼,泪水可制药。它们酷爱吃鲜桃。
⑩象鼩(elephant shrew)因具有长而灵活的吻而得名。其后腿长,耳和眼都大,尾细长,外表像跳鼠或更格卢鼠。连尾体长17∼57公分。毛柔软,呈浅黄至淡黑色,多数种有灰色的眼环。活跃敏捷。主要产于干燥多石地区,捕食昆虫。
⑾长耳跳鼠(long-eared jerboa)被称为“沙漠中的米老鼠”,喜欢夜间活动,前肢短小和普通的米老鼠一样,后肢细长是身体的约两倍,它的耳朵几乎是头的三倍大。它的主要天敌之一是猫。
⒀水滴鱼(Blob Sculpin)由于长着一副哭丧脸,被称为“全世界表情最忧伤”的鱼。
⒂皇绢毛猴(Tamarin Monkeys)的胡子酷似德国君主威廉二世。成年皇帝绢毛猴体长24--26厘米,体重大约300到400克。皇帝绢毛猴行动灵活,整天在树丛间跳来跳去。以昆虫为食。

And let's get to these strange creatures!The star nosed mole ( Star-nosed Mole ) living in damp lowland areas, mainly in the USA and Canada north. The soil in the small insects for food. Be good at swimming and mining, they through their own star nose to observe the world, their noses on the distribution of the 22 tentacles. The star-nosed mole is the world 's fastest mammals eat. It was a swimming master, can lie dormant in the river and pond bottom.The glasses monkey ( Philippine tarsier ) is the world 's smallest known species of monkey. In their small face, with two round big eyes, the eyes can be more than 1 cm in diameter. Their head can rotate 180 degrees, tarsiers are night owls, it always comes out at night to insect predation. Their body is only 9 to 16 cm long, they live in some of the Southeast Asian island.And the Aardvark ( Orycteropus afer ) is South Africa and Central African mammals. The length of 1 to 1.5 meters. Ear length, kiss as a pig, long sticky tongue. Claw is strong, good earth. Grassland and woodland habitat. Feeding on ants and termites. Nocturnal mainly. Also known as ant bear or soil pig.Of slender loris ( Nycticebus coucang ) from southern India and Sri Lanka, shy, nocturnal primates, have a pair of eye, tears pharmaceutical. They love to eat fresh peach.The elephant shrew ( elephant shrew ) with a long flexible kiss named. Its long hind legs, ears and eyes are large, slender tail, looks like a jerboa or dipodomys. Even the tail length 17 - 57 cm. Soft fur, a light yellow to light black, most species have grey eye ring. Active and agile. The main production in dry rocky areas, predatory insects.Of the long-eared jerboa ( long-eared jerboa ) is known as the" desert Mickey Mouse", like night activities, short forelimbs and ordinary Mickey Mouse, elongated hindlimbs body is about two times, its ears is almost three times the size of the head. It is one of the main natural enemies of the cat.Will the aye-aye (Marmoset) is living in South America Amazon forest in a world's smallest monkey. The monkey grow height only 10 - 12 cm, weight 80 - 100 grams. New monkey is only the size of the broad bean, weight 13 grams. The monkeys like catch lice eat, and gentle, so keeping them became the local Indians.Fish ( Blob Sculpin ) for water droplets due to a long sad face, called" the world most sad expression" fish.Newt ( Salamander ), shape and lizards are similar, but not surface scales. In order to snails, insects, and other small animals for food. Body length of about 17 cm. Most of them live in fresh water and marsh areas, mainly the Northern Hemisphere temperate zones. They rely on the skin to absorb moisture, so need moist surroundings. Environment to Celsius below zero, they will be entering a state of hibernation.All the emperor tamarin Monkey ( Tamarin Monkeys ) beard like the German King William ii. Adult emperor tamarins Mao Houti 24--26 cm long, weigh about 300 to 400 grams. The emperor tamarin monkey flexible operations, all day in the trees to jump. Feeding on insects.
第1个回答  2011-11-05