

第1个回答  2011-10-23
If I have 1 million, how should I consumption?

I would take out 100000 yuan, to help get home, the poor can't afford on the school children, and give them to pay tuition. To others buy him what you want, back to work at the factory on people buy 10 cases of Coca-Cola, make them work a than a spirit, let the boss give them some wages and reward, to let them live a good life.

If I have one million, I'll buy me some toys, such as: the raider buggies. The yo-yo. Video games. Mobile phone...... I want to buy some stationery: automatic pen. Pen. Rubber. Neutral pen......

If I have one million, I'll give my mother to buy a big house, in to father to buy a Mercedes, let my father took the mother to the streets around.

If I have one million, I'll give grandpa's grandmother buy a medicine against death, even if the world there is no medicine against death I will let grandpa's grandmother prolong life, let them live a happy, healthy and prosperous day.

If I have one million, I'll give brother open a coal yard let him make a make red ticket, the future take a beautiful wife.

If I have one million, I'll travel abroad, travel around the world, the United States. Japan. Europe, let foreigners know we Chinese have the money.

If I have one million, I'll develop a great software company, the construction of some relevant learning software, let the children in the study more happy to learn, even happy life.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-10-23
help boost lagging rural incomes
第3个回答  2011-10-23
take a trip

if i had a million dollars,i would travel the world with my parents.and the others,i would put 200000 in the bank.i would help the poors becouse they need the money.then i would give it to charity,i can help the other people.because i help them,i can feel very happy....

i would buy some new book to read.i need to improve myself.

初二英语作文 如果我有很多钱 要带翻译
如果我有很多钱,回去环球,我会尝遍大江南北的美食,去帮助那些需要帮助的人,做一个有用的人,为国家而奋斗,不为一己私利,使中国繁荣强大。翻译了好久,给好评 注册了好多次1 | 发布于2013-04-14 举报| 评论 62 13 If I have a lot of money 有道 追问 神啊,我要作文咧!!! 追答 我错了,看其他...



翻译:如果我有五百万元我不仅会用它自己的利益。一百万我将给我的父母带我,教我如何成为一个好人。其余的钱,我将用它来为穷人盖房子的人。创造者想所有的人是平 2. 如果你中了500万 打算怎么花 英语作文 tudents to play, so long as to seize the central point of the perception of natural not to...


实力可观啊。 如果想突围而出,我建议做些小食,主营于大学、工业区、商业步行街等人流量多的地方,因为花费不高,所以量就大了。俗话说万丈高楼从地起——我有个点子如下: 你可以在大学附近找个小店经营豆腐:特色风味豆腐、烤豆腐、煎豆腐、酿豆腐、煮豆腐、豆腐花、豆浆、豆饼、各地风味。因为价钱...


