
日本的爵士女伶实力创作型歌手菊地晶子她的歌声魅力已感动许许多多的听众钢琴加电子鼓恰到好处的配合,温柔轻缓的曲调,加上AKIKO动人的声音,让人有一种清风迎面的畅快和轻松感…… 2001年,爵士名厂Verve签下这位日本第一的优质女声,开启她自此光芒四射的魅力人生。4张专辑堆砌出如潮好评的佳绩,连续享得Swing Journal Jazz、New Star Award等重量级奖项肯定,销售与排行如日中天,而知名化妆品牌雅诗兰黛的「Defining Beauty Award」,为她戴上了完美女伶的后冠。

The strength of the Japanese jazz singer actress Akiko Kikuchi charm of her singing has touched many listeners just the right piano with electronic drums with gentle playful tunes, plus AKIKO moving sound, people have a fun head-breeze and a sense of ease ... ... in 2001, Verve Jazz were to sign the Japan factory of high quality female voice, open her radiant charm of life since then. 4 album's success built up rave reviews, was continuously enjoy Swing Journal Jazz, New Star Award and other awards certainly heavyweight, sales and ranking heyday, and well-known cosmetic brand Estee Lauder's "Defining Beauty Award", for her to wear the crown on the perfect actress.
第1个回答  2011-11-13
Japanese jazz NvLing strength creative singer chrysanthemum to crystal son her singing charm has touched so many of the audience piano add electronic drum proper cooperate, gentle light slow tunes, plus AKIKO and moving voice, let a person have a cool breeze of carefree and light touch head...... In 2001, jazz name factory to signing the Verve of Japan's first female voice quality, open her since then the glamorous life charm. 4 albums come out like tide from success, continuous to Swing at the Journal Jazz, New Star Award, awards heavyweight affirmation, sales and ranking by and famous cosmetic brand of elegant shi landai "Defining Beauty Award", for she wears the perfect NvLing after the champions league.