Less than a smash at the box office, John Frankenheimer’s
film also played to mixed critical reception.
Many who reviewed it were in awe of its capturing of one
man’s suffering and, simultaneously, its attainment of a
universal representation of human dignity. Just as many,
however, found these to be its intentions but not its
achievements. Over and again, one finds it spoken of as
“worthy but dreary,” “intense but dull,” a tedious film
that “crawls along on its intentions.” Generally, the acting
has been praised, especially that of Alan Bates,
despite his being miscast as the Russian Jewish protagonist,
and of Dirk Bogarde as Bibikov, the one man in the
czar’s legal system who is sympathetic and helpful to Bok.
The script and the direction have generally been treated
less kindly, a typical objection being to the film’s “synthetic”
One school of response to this adaptation is that it was
needless. Malamud’s novel, this theory goes, did everything
the film does well and several things the film cannot
duplicate. What remained then for Trumbo and Frankenheimer
was pale imitation. In the words of Robert Kotlowitz:
“The film has nothing to tell us beyond Mr.
Malamud’s novel; it simply reproduces it.” Further, Kotlowitz
argues, unlike Malamud’s work, “the movie depresses
rather than releases us.”
One undeniable oddity of the film is in Frankenheimer’s
having taken it to Hungary to be photographed.
Presumably this seemed the nearest one could come to the
impenetrable Soviet Union. But almost the entire film is
shot indoors, most of it in prison cells.
For all its oddities and all its detractors, the film is occasionally
spoken of in positive superlatives, as that of
Philip Hartung (in Commonweal): “As a hymn celebrating
the survival of the human spirit, ‘The Fixer’ is in a class by
一个不可否认的奇特的电影在Frankenheimer 匈牙利拿走去拍照。这大概似乎离我们最近能来参加 战败的苏联。但几乎整个电影 在室内拍摄,大部分都是在监狱里的细胞。为其特别之处及其批评者,这部电影是偶然的 说积极的最高级,那样的 菲利普·哈(在公益):“作为一个圣歌庆祝 生存的人类的精神,“牢固的是在...
全文翻译:淳熙年间,范到能使北,孝宗命令口奏报金主,对河南是宋朝陵寝所在,希望返回侵占的土地。 最能上奏说:“这件事非常重要,需要和宰相商议,我请求以圣人的意思告诉他,议定才行。”上点头,不久,宰相力认为不可以,而圣意坚决不回。 到能就自成一书,述圣语。到北单于庭,纳的袖中。 既然跪着进国书,伏在...
九年级语文上册21课《陈涉世家》翻译 ☆
9、通过对天下形势的分析,陈胜认为起义能够成功的条件有两个, 第一是“天下苦秦久矣”;第二是“今诚以吾众诈自称公子扶苏、项燕,为天下唱,宜多应者。” 重点语句翻译 1、陈胜佐之,并杀两尉 *陈胜协助(帮助)吴广.一同(一共)杀了两个军官 2、今诚以吾众诈自称公子扶苏。项燕,为天下唱,宜多应者。
3. 文言文翻译张岱的陶庵梦忆,闰元宵帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 这是一篇韵文,类似于骈文,很难翻译,尤其难于直译,试译如下,并附有词语解释:张岱《陶庵梦忆》(卷八)闰元宵 【原文】 崇祯庚辰闰正月,与越中父老约重张五夜灯,余作张灯致语曰:“两逢元正,岁成闰于摄提之辰;再值孟陬,天假人以闲暇之月。 《春秋传》...
的译者中外文修养不够,率尔操觚,致使误译多有,贻患学林。在 这样的情况下,当然不可能期待对外国法律的全面而准确的认识 了,而没有这样的认识,又怎么能希望博采众长、融合中外的借 鉴呢? 近年来,组织翻译一套外国法律丛书一直是我的一个迫切的 念头。曾与法学界的一些同行谈起,他们也都对这样一项工程极 表赞成...
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