

Our biggest problem of learning English in China is lack of English environment.
In our daily life, 90% of the language we use is Chinese, for 90% of the people we communicate with are Chinese. What should we do then?
My suggestion is we talk to ourselves, which is often my way to practice my English.
“Talk to oneself” does not mean you will have to speak aloud, which may make you feel embarrassed and even weird.
“Talk to oneself” is only my suggestion: we murmur to ourselves when we are alone; We can talk to ourselves quietly in our minds when other people are around.
Another advantage of doing so is we can improve the fluency of our English as well as the ability of thinking in English.
第1个回答  2011-11-26
The biggest problem we faced in learning English in China is that we don't have such a language environment.

In our daily communication, more than 90% of the language we used is Chinese, since more than 90% of the people we talk with are Chinese.

So what's the solution?

My advice is speaking English with ourselves. This is the way I always use to train myself.

However, speaking to yourself doesn't mean yelling or shouting, because it may look awkward, and even weird. In stead, we can do this in lonely place, and murmuring in our mouth.

In busy or lively place, we can speak silently in our heart.

In this way, we will improve fluency in English speaking and bring up the ability to "think" in English, which is another advantage we can earn from this.
第2个回答  2011-11-26
We are learning English in China the biggest problem is that we have no environment. Our daily life more than 90% of the language is Chinese, because the average and we communicate more than 90% of the people are all Chinese. How to do? I suggest that we use English "to himself," I am also usually do. To himself and not say it loud, because it looks awkward, and even strange. To himself just Suggestions: no one place, we in the mouth murmured to himself; Some place, we head to the buzzing. So do a further advantage is to raise our fluency and English thinking ability,追问


第3个回答  2011-11-26
We are learning English in China is the biggest problem in our environment. Our daily life more than 90% language is Chinese, because the general and for us to communicate with people more than 90% are chinese. What shall I do? I suggest we use English" automatic speaking", I often do the same. Automatic speaking not speak out, because it looks embarrassed, even strange. Automatic speaking only recommendations: where no one, we in the mouth to oneself; the local people, we in the head buzzing to himself. It 's another advantage is to improve our fluency and thinking ability in english,
第4个回答  2011-11-26
第二个好,邵旭青We are learning English in China is the biggest problem in our environment. Our daily life more than 90% language is Chinese, because the general and for us to communicate with people more than 90% are chinese. What shall I do? I suggest we use English" automatic speaking", I often do the same. Automatic speaking not speak out, because it looks embarrassed, even strange. 后面我不会翻译
第5个回答  2011-11-26
We Chinese student study english may face lots of difficulties,but the most difficult one is lack an enviroment,so we can communicate in it with english. We speak with Chinese in about the 90 percent of the daily time and we communicate within our chinese in more than 90 percent speaking time.What need i do to change this situation? I suggest that we can talk with ourselves in english!I often talk with myself in this way.But you exercise english by this means, in others eyes you may look so embrrassed and even sranged!We is able to avoid this embrrassed thing,sush as we may talk to ourselves by mumbling in a place without others; and we can talt to ourselves by buzzing in our heads in a place with other people.We can rise up our fluency in english and raise english thinking ability.个人意见,仅供参考!