
题目:《If you were the school principle, what policies/facilities would you implement to improve the school environment?》

第1个回答  2011-11-26
If I were the school principle,I would do something useful for our school and all the students. First ,I would enlarge our school library so that all the students can have the access to the library. Second .I would rebuild a big gym so that the students can take exercise freely and happily .Third,I would make workers plant more trees and flowerw around our school to make our school more beautiful .Finally I would build a swimming pool in our school so that all the students and teachers can have a swim on the hot days in summer.Besides ,I would equip our lab with some advanced machines and some more computers.so that the students and teachers can freely surf the Internet to find what they want .
第2个回答  2011-11-26
if i am the principle i will firstly, improve the facilities in our library. most of the books are too old to be used in today's education, therefore, i am going to improve a number of new books in the library content. also, the computers, printers and fax in the library are too old to be used any more so i am going to change them inorder to suite our needs. secondly, new equipments for use in the science lab will be bought since the current equipments are over aged. these equipments increase the chance of getting hert by students and also not that accurate as they are really old. thirdly, i will turn our truck in ruber material. this will allow our studens to be mor safe during excises and reduce the chance of getting hert. the last thing i will do is to get each class with an air conditioner,hence, students will not be affected by the extremly hot or cold weather or seasons. these are the facilities that i am going to improve on if i am the priciple.
第3个回答  2011-11-26
The first thing I will do is to renovate the facilities in our library. Most fax and printing machines are too old for people to use. Second, I will invest in a new science building. Our old science building was built in 20th century and most machines are nearly broken or unusable. Those are the two things I am going to do if I am elected as the president of our school.追问


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