

第1个回答  2012-08-11
From April 6th, I had started my service at Sijiqing nursing home. There, I met many friends in common and lots of lovely old people. Thanks to my experience of looking after my elder parents, I could easily go into the role. My first one-to-one service person is Grandpa Li. Actually, when we were distributed at first, I expressed my wish to attend to Aunt Wang, who was paralyzed and bed-bounded. I though companying her would be more interesting because she had a higher cultural layer and was fond of music. However, I wasn’t come for my interest, thus to know more new old people and start more services are also what I’d like to do. Therefore, I told my group leader:“I will obey your arrangement and accept anyone you give me.” As a result, I have been severing Grandpa Li since the very beginning of my third-time service. Grandpa Li was a 5 protect door without a lot of knowledge and children, I’d never contacted this kind of people before. Though my first service, I found out the problems: very few topics to talk about, his lacking of passion for the life, which I found later was actually a common problem among old people. I brought these problems to the group discussion after the service and put it in our group’s blog as well. After serving for several times, I gradually found a solution: Avoid talking about issues of life and death; tell him more new things or goods he had never seen before. Take my cellphone for example, he was confused when I heard the ring of the cellphone but did not answer it. Therefore, I told him about short message and let him know it could save money. It was really amazing to communicate with people without any telephone wire in his eyes. Sometimes I may also recall things he was familiar with, such as mending shoes. And then let him identify whether my shoes and bag were made by real leather. Besides, the tone is very important. As he is my elder, the best way is to treat him is the same like the children to their elder father. Now, he would like me to be his niece, which maybe the best award for a volunteer. Aunt Wang was my second service recipient, though we had only met four times and spent a very short time together. She passed away quite in a sudden and it brought me great sorrow. I chose her voluntarily after I read her material. She was an Overseas Chinese, which made me feel intimate, for my parents were also Overseas Chinese. The moment I saw her, I feel surer that my choice was right. Her figure and accent of typical southern people was like my mother’s very much, and even their ages were of the same. She had a miserable lifetime. And her husband passed away at an early age, so she had to nurture two kids all by herself. What’s worse, one of them was mentally retarded, another one had uremia now. Despite of bitter life, she had a mighty heart and was fond of her life. I learnt quite a lot from her. And what I can do now is to accompany with her to reduce her loneliness.
第2个回答  2012-08-07

我是小小志愿者400字1 周末,我和妈妈一起参加看望孤寡老人的活动。我们坐上自愿者协会的车出发了,车子行驶在弯弯曲曲的乡间小路上。我望着窗外,阳光下,金黄的银杏树叶闪闪发光,公路两旁五颜六色的花儿在晨风中舞动着…… 我们到了第一户孤寡老人家,这是一位九十二岁的老奶奶。她瘦瘦的、黑黑的,头发乱蓬蓬的。...

寒假开始了,我也开始了我漫长的志愿者之旅。你肯定会想,我是什么志愿者呢,就让我来慢慢地解释。我看见了做小小志愿者的纸,便问妈妈:“妈妈,我去做什么志愿者呢?”我歪着脑袋来到妈妈身旁。“恩——”妈妈动脑筋思考着。关于小小志愿者作文400字5篇 我可最爱做社会公益活动了关于小小志愿者作...

1. 志愿者习作400字 瑞金医院志愿者服务之感受 “爱,如一池清澈温暖的湖水,寒冬里的一盆燃烧正旺的炭火,夏日炎炎里 一片榕树下的绿阴,慢慢荒漠中的一块绿洲…… 可能,志愿者这个字眼对于我们已不陌生。 他们是时时刻刻出现在每一个贫 困的土地上,出现在每一个需要帮助的人群之中。他们用自己的光和热来温...



篇一:秦岭环保志愿活动 今天是个特殊的日子,是由西安市团委组织的“关爱大秦岭,环保志愿活动日”。一大早我就和妈妈起床,去集合的地点了。上车了以后,最让我兴奋得是有一个叫王子明的小朋友,和我大小差不多,这下我就有伴了。经过大概2小时的路程,我们到达了陕西省珍稀野生动物抢救饲养研究中心...




虽然我们只做了短短的一个小时的志愿者。一大早!因为有些人以前来世博会时看到的都是一些大哥哥。早上。那天,心里个个都想当志愿者。那里有一个展厅,球撞击到屏幕上。因为工作人员忙,请左行右立!有的人还把我也拍进他们的照相机里面去了呢,想着车上的所有人:我们是世博志愿者 12月5日。...
