

第1个回答  2012-04-06
please write down a sentence of lyrics or a poem that ever touched you most.
第2个回答  2012-04-11
那个语法不对的。应该是please write down one sentence of the lyrics or poems that moves you the most
第3个回答  2012-04-06
Please write down a piece of lyric or a poem that moved you a lot.
第4个回答  2012-04-06
please write down a sentence of lyrics or poetry that deepest touches you.
第5个回答  2012-04-06
Please write down the most moving of your lyrics or poetry追问

of your 还是 of you


of your

帮我把这句话翻译成英文吧 感谢!
as there is something replacing the sun. Although it is not as bright as the sun, it is enough for me. With this beam of light, I can turn the nights into days. I have never had the sun,

“从来就不缺我一个”这是汉语的说话方式,译成英文要稍微换种思维。以下三种翻译供你参考:It makes no difference if\/whether I'm here(or not).我在不在这没有什么区别。I have never been concerned if I were here or not.从来没人关心过我在不在这。Everything is just managing \/working fine withou...

Because of you I am willing to .因为是你所以我愿意

It is very simple \/ easy to do the same thing.8、我没有钱来买这辆车。I have no money to buy this car.9、超市里有各种各样的东西。There are all kinds of goods in the supermarket.10、TOM发现要做出这道数学题是很难的。Tom finds it difficult to work out this maths problem....

帮我把这句话翻译成英文,万分感谢! 我们都是上帝的孩子,上帝不会忘记...
译文:We are all God's children, God will not forget the part of our share of happiness.原意:我们都是上帝的孩子,上帝不会忘记属于我们的那份幸福.提醒:如果你想翻译英文或各种语言,你可以到网上找在线翻译 谢谢采纳!

you are my C'esbon

If I miss you, I may miss the love I want.I do not know when we will meet again. Neither do I know what we will be like when we meet next time. (An emotion)!

请帮我把这段话翻译成英文 急用 谢谢
I know I'm not your type, none the less I love you instead. (再深深地、婉约地、含蓄地哀怨一下,并表达你"无怨无悔"、"至死不渝"的爱)Take care.(珍重!)说明:1. 注意表达顺序,以上三句依序,比较符合英文思考。2. 注意因果关联,"我配不上你"和"我祝福你";"我不是你喜欢的...

也许我没有从第一天开始就陪着你们,但从今往后,我将永远陪着你们 Perhaps I'm not with you from the very beginning,but I promise you are bound to have me by your side all the time from now on.

汉译英 , 帮我把这段话翻译成英文。
1、我想向你靠近 -I would like to assure you and around 我对你伸出指尖 - I extend to your fingertips 触到冰冷的屏幕 -Touch-screen cold 冰冷的... -Cold ...提醒我,清醒 ! -Reminded me that the sober!2、站在人群中 -From the crowd 以为下一个擦身而过的人,就...
