4. Conclusion
The main points of this essay have been presented in the Abstract. Its central message is to suggest that developing countries at the WTO are faced with a serious difficulty in discussions on competition policy as well as on other similar issues as long as the whole discourse is expressed in terms of the WTO concepts and language. These are inadequate to reflect the developmental concerns of emerging countries. Developing countries need to develop the appropriate language and concepts within which their concerns can be properly articulated. Hopefully this paper has made a small contribution in that direction.
The Preamble to the WTO notes that "trade and economic endeavour should be conducted with a view to raising the standards of living, ensuring full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of real income and effective demand". It is further stated that "there is need for positive efforts designed to ensure that developing countries, and especially the leastdeveloped among them, secure a share in the growth in international trade commensurate with the needs of their economic development (quoted in Rodrik, 2001)." Full employment and economic development are not only the ultimate goals of the WTO but these have also been repeatedly endorsed by the international community. In 1995, 117 Heads of State or Government attending the Copenhagen Social Summit endorsed the Copenhagen Declaration, which put primary emphasis on the promotion of full employment and poverty reduction. More recently similar declaration have been made at the Millennium Summit at the UN and other fora. Indeed, the right to a decent living has virtually acquired the status of a universal human right.
If experience and analysis show that the primary goals of the WTO are being harmed rather than helped by specific measures such as TRIMS, or the equal application to all countries of a particular procedural principle such as national treatment, it is the latter which should be changed. It is the primary goals rather than the procedural rules of an international organization that should dominate especially as the former are widely endorsed by the world community as a whole.
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