My kindly remind: if we can't receive the PO this week, we won't able to keep the deliver time any more for the producing plan of the facory has already scheduled to May, 2013.Could you please suggust the clinet canceling this PO?Thank you!
交货期的英文 delivery time或者lead time.勤学好问 天天进步!
The delivery date between the date to the date
1)why is the deliverly date being advanced to (月份 for example january) 9th?Could you pls give us an accurate information. Because this delivery time til now is too short, that we are doing our best to make use of every single minite.2) this situation is quite normal, d...
Before this, the delivery dates for some orders have been extended from this January to this April and the factories doubted it seriously. In order to cooperate with you, they agreed to provide such support finally. Now, however, the factories can not accept a further extension ...
请教下 回复国外客人 "这个交货期已经过了"英文怎么说?最好准确点的...
The delivery time has passed.
个人认为:千万不能说 自己的品质达不到客户的要求,而是应该从另外方面找理由来推辞,比如:交货期、原材料供应商问题、价格与质量不等、、、稳定一个老客户 比开发 一 个新客户更重要,如果轻易这样取消订单,对企业 和自己本身来说 都是不利的。Sorry to advise you that we can't meet your ...
以下交货期是基于附件的时间表,如果里面的某个过程(流程)出现延迟,例如设计图你们公司延迟提供等等,这个交货时间可能会被延迟。(翻译是)The following delivery isaccessory based on theschedule, if the inside ofa process (process)delays, such as thedesign of your companyon this delay, ...
1. 先把英语900句熟悉一下。初次见面的客套话要会。2. 你的业务涉及到单词,如服装方面,机械方面,你要熟悉。3. 最好把你公司和产品介绍先译成英文,背熟。4. 产品的价格,交货期等等会说。
供应商延误交货期 英文怎么说?
the supplier failed to supply in the delivery term