He grew a little pale, for he was reserving just that sum to buy a gun and treat himself to a little shooting, the next summer, on the plain of Nanterre, with some friends who used to shoot larks there on Sundays. But he said: “All right. I will give you four hundred francs. B...
SHE was one of those pretty and charming girls, born by a blunder of destiny in a family of employees. She had no dowry, no expectations, no means of being known, understood, loved, married by a man rich and distinguished; and she let them make a match for her with a li...
《项链》莫泊桑 英语简介
最后,当她在还清欠款后,偶遇那位贵妇人时,妇人却告诉她那条项链其实是假的。英文介绍:The story takes place in Paris. One day, Pierre gets an invitation to a palace ball. He thinks it important to him, and decides to go to the party with his wife Mathilde. But Mathilde is wo...
世上的漂亮动人的女子,每每像是由于命运的差错似地,出生在一个小职员的家庭;我 们现在要说的这一个正是这样。她没有陪嫁的资产,没有希望,没有任何方法使得一个既有 钱又有地位的人认识她,了解她,爱她,娶她;到末了,她将将就就和教育部的一个小科员 结了婚。SHE was one of those p...
2014-09-09 求回答,莫泊桑写的《项链》 写得好的段落 14 2017-11-30 从《莫泊桑项链》中找出描写心理活动的句子 6 2018-06-28 莫泊桑项链中借项链片段是为下文哪段做铺垫和暗示?是如何铺垫和... 4 2007-06-03 急求 莫泊桑《项链》剧本英文版 10 2010-12-18 《项链 》莫泊桑的主题主要是揭露什么?
求莫泊桑《项链》 英文原版(急用)!!!
The night of the ball arrived, and Mathilde became the belle of the ball, feeling triumphant in her newfound elegance. However, her joy was short-lived when she discovered the necklace was missing. Desperate to replace it, the couple endured years of hardship, sacrificing their ...
急求 莫泊桑《项链》剧本英文版
SHE was one of those pretty and charming girls, born by a blunder of destiny in a family of employees. She had no dowry, no expectations, no means of being known, understood, loved, married by a man rich and distinguished; and she let them make a match for her with a ...
莫泊桑的《项链》译文 谁有英文版的?帮我打出来,谢拉。或者把网址告诉我。... 谁有英文版的?帮我打出来,谢拉。或者把网址告诉我。 展开 我来答 3个回答 #热议# 你发朋友圈会使用部分人可见功能吗?百度网友04273e012 2006-04-25 · TA获得超过723个赞 知道答主 回答量:583 采纳率:0% ...
我要莫泊桑的项链的英文点评 不用太长200-300单词左右
我要莫泊桑的项链的英文点评 不用太长200-300单词左右 4个回答 #热议# 张桂梅帮助的只有女生吗? 尤派教育科技 2009-09-13 · TA获得超过1.4万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:1202 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:1655万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1"The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant ...
莫泊桑 项链 简介 英文
2010-05-08 莫泊桑的项链的英文简介!!! 78 2013-02-22 《项链》莫泊桑 英语简介 110 2012-04-13 项链简介英文翻译 2 2015-06-02 莫泊桑《珠宝》 故事英文简介。 2 2013-12-18 莫泊桑的介绍!英文! 33 2013-08-24 求莫泊桑短篇小说《项链》的英文版? 1 2013-07-29 莫泊桑的《项链》或《羊脂球...