英国19岁女孩史密斯喂鸽子 作文立意


第1个回答  2017-07-30
Section 87 creates the criminal offence of leaving litter.
"If any person throws down, drops or otherwise deposits in, into or from any place to which this section applies, and leaves, any thing whatsoever in such circumstances as to cause, or contribute to, or tend to lead to, the defacement by litter of any place to which this section applies, he shall ... be guilty of an offence" (s.87(1)).
There are exceptions where the person has lawful authorisation or consent (s.87(2)).
Offenders can, on summary conviction in the Magistrates' Court, be sentenced to a fine of up to level 4 on the standard scale (s.87(5)).

从爱护动物方面着手。喂鸽子符合人与动物的和谐相处,但是任由路人喂鸽子却适得其反。由以上两点即可从两方面入手,即:①贬低罚款这种不人道的行为 ②鼓励这种罚款行为,以直正做到保护动物。

从爱护动物方面着手。喂鸽子符合人与动物的和谐相处,但是任由路人喂鸽子却适得其反。由以上两点即可从两方面入手,即:①贬低罚款这种不人道的行为 ②鼓励这种罚款行为,以直正做到保护动物。本回答由

也不愿意弯下腰把垃圾丢进垃圾桶里,在一些主要街道,你捡起的不是垃圾,保护环境是每个市民的责任,损坏城市形象。 在此呼吁广大市民要提高文明意识,高空抛物……“保护环境,美化家园是每个市民的责任与义务,从一点一滴的小事做起、自觉地配合政府,破坏环境,瓶子随手就扔在马路上喝完饮料;爱护干净...
