Anchor: Lots of Americans, you know, you are one of them, dream about owning a shiny new car. But before you spend your hard-earned cash on some hot wheels, you definitely want to hear what personal finance guru Dave Ramsey has to say. As you know, he is a syndicated radio talk show host and the author of the best selling book "The Total Money Makeover"
Hey, there, good to see you, Dave
Dave Ramsey: Good to see you.
Anchor: So, we never ever buy a new car?
Dave Ramsey: Well, I am like everybody else, I am a boy, I like new cars, but they go down in value like a rock. I mean, Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine says you lose 60% of the value in the first 4 years, the worst car accicdents happen on the show room floor.
Anchor: Oh, and the minute you drive it off the show room floor, of course the value plummets right away, right?
Dave Ramsey: All right. Sure it's the wheels break the curb, you know, you really have to change, you know.
Anchor: Oh my god, so maybe not a wise use of your money. What about employee discount for the cars?
Dave Ramsey: Well,certainly it's pulled people back into that and 0% interest before that, but even then, you got to consider by the time you get it home, you've still lost money. So, a wise use of your dollars, unless you've got just piles of cash, is to really pay cash for a high-quality 1 or 2 or 3 year- old used car, let someone else take the butt-kicking on depreciation.
Anchor: Oh, you have done it then break it down with a lease payment, it sounds / reasonable, what about leasing a car? Come on!
Dave Ramsey: We call it a fleecing. You know, Consumer Reports says it is the most expensive way to operate a vehicle, (OK.)because in fleecing, what you've done is to quit asking "how much", (ok), now, you just asking "how much down, how much a month" (mm, right)and when you start asking that, you are gonna live in endless payments the rest of your life , and again, like I always say, you tie up your most, your most powerful wealth building to ,which is your income, with no car payments , you can have some money.
Anchor: Alright, now, tell us about how to buy a used car then, you say that's a way we go, right? how, how used is used?
Dave Ramsey: Well, it depends on how much money you have. (Ok). And, you should pay cash. Again, grandmother's rule: If you can pay cash.I can't believe this guy's said I pay cash for a car. Look, just for a short period of time, drive like no one else, so later you can drive like no one else. The average Car Payment in America is 378 dollars over 84 months right now. Wow. If you took that and invest it from age 25 to age 65 in a mutual fund, you'll have 4.4 million dollars.(Holy pal! All right.)Hope you like the car.(All right.) so, let's take that money, set them in a cookie jar, pay cash for a little used car, and then move up, and then do it again, and then move up and work your way out.
Anchor: Ok, And how do we, how do we move up? So we are saving money, ok so we are buying our niceresolvable car right, for cash, then we are putting away money each month for a nicer car? (Pay yourself a car payment.)
Dave Ramsey: Pay yourself a car payment, (all right) and then you've got 4000 dollars every 11 months or so.
Anchor: How do we know how much we can afford?
Dave Ramsey: You should never have vehicles, cars, boats, trucks, sedan and their sisters that add up to more than half your annual income. Cause then you got too much tied up and things are going down in value. It's the most expensive thing we buy, but it's all about prestige. I mean, we spent a minimum amount of money to impress somebody at the stoplight we'll never meet.
Anchor: I Know, it is a big ego buy, isn't it? It really is. (It really is.) All, right, what about people who are afraid of getting stuck with problems if you buy a used car, you know, it is a lemon.
Dave Ramsey: Well, that's an old car dealer's myth. I mean, really, if you buy a car from 50s to 60s, that might be true, but the cars that we build today, are fabulous cars. And they've got a lot of life in them, used to if you had one at 60000 miles , it is about to fall apart. Now it's got 260 thousand miles if it is about to fall apart, they got a lot life in them. And you can get services like car factory, you can check the history of the car, make sure you're getting a good car, have your mechanic check it, there are good cars out there.
Anchor: All right, let's take a look at your tips here, just by way of your views, so, you said, don't buy a new car, unless you are rich.
What, what's rich?
Dave Ramsey: Well, usually you need at least a million bucks,(ok)I mean the bottom line is can you lose 20,000 dollars and not miss it?
Anchor: Wow, I don't think anybody can say that. All right, you say, don't lease a car ever ever ever? Never. Nerver? It's never a good deal. Ok, buy a car that is 2 years old or more. Why is it 2 years?
Dave Ramsey: Again, becasue that is where the most of that appreciation, most of that value lost in the first two years.
Anchor: Ok, pay cash.
Dave Ramsey: Absolustely, always. Because, then you have that control of your earned money. We get in the thing of all the money goes out and all the money comes in, all the money goes out, only the names that changed your protecting in this otherwise.
Anchor: Save up for that better car, all right, great advice as always, thanks a lot.
Dave Ramsey: Thanks. Don't forget we are gonna be on 60 Minutes Sunday night.
Anchor: I hey, man. I was just get ready to say that. Oh, dear, I am sorry , ( you're always doing my job)I am sorry, Don't forget you can see more of Dave Ramsey on 60 minutes this weekend, good to see you.
汽车租赁业在欧美国家和亚洲四小龙业务开展的十分红火。汽车租赁公司将汽车制造商,汽车经销商和汽车用户有机的 紧密结合在一起。在发达国家人们的消费观念已十分成熟,对汽车租赁的认识也很 全面,汽车租赁的益处已被人们普遍接受,这如同我们对搬家公司的认识过程一样。
五年前,人们乔迁新居时都是请亲朋好 友帮忙,不但花销大,欠人情,主人全家也累的十分狼狈。但自从有了搬家公司,人 们再乔迁新居时拨一个电话就又快、又好 、又省力的把家搬了。汽车消费也是如此 ,虽然目前大多数人以为买车比较合算, 认为自己买的车,资产是自己的,心里有满足感。但人们没有认真核算,如果仔细核算你会发现买车远不如租车。租赁车无 论是对单位还是对个人都有以下六个方面的优势:
随着人们消费水平的提高,对高档消费品有不断更新的欲望。在欧美人们平均 8个月更换一次车型。假如你现在花费三十多万元购买一台别克轿车,因社会经济发展很快,一年后汽车的性能、外观改进 很多,而价格却会大幅下降。一年后,你 如果想换新车型 ,老车可能15万元就很难卖出。这意味着一年中车价损失接近20万元。但假如你租赁一台别克车,只需10余万元。而且,可随时租用最新车型。从目前人们经常更换手机的状况就能预料到几年后,经常换新车,将是人们最新的时尚 。
自购车辆后对车辆的维修和保养及一年一度的车辆年检要耗费很多财力和精力 。但你如果租车,就不存在这些烦恼 ,无论是车辆维修还是其它原因,车辆不能正常使用时,租赁公司都会及时提供替代车 ,保证你的用车。
自购车辆必然会造成固定资产增加、 借款增加、流动资产减少使财务出现不良 状况。而租赁车辆将有效回避上述风险。
自购车辆使用时随心所欲,特别是单位公车 ,私自用车现象较多,造成不必要的浪费,而如果租赁车,一是可根据业务需要随时调控用车数量,二是用车人知道自己的用车成本,可直接减少不必要的用车。有效地提高员工的成本观念。
驾驶自购车辆,一旦发生事故,就要与保险公司交涉,因车主不熟悉报案理赔程序,往往会浪费许多时间和金钱。。做为车辆管理的专业租赁公司,平时就与保险公司有良好的合作关系。在处理理赔过 程中,必然有明显的优势。
综上所述,租赁汽车比自购车辆存在 着许多优势,但这些优势在国内许多人认识不到,这其中有人们消费观念的问题, 同时也存在着现有的汽车租赁公司经营不 善 、服务不到位 、价格偏高的现象。因此 ,要想使人们认同汽车租赁的优势,很大程度上靠汽车租赁公司的经营和管理水平的提高。总之 ,汽车租赁在我国尚属末开 发的新兴产业,这需要经营者和消费者共同认识这个产业 ,共同培育这个市场 。近期国内许多汽车租赁公司已纷纷开设租赁网站,实现了在线租车,并在探讨甲地租车 ,乙地还车的服务方式。我们相信随着我国加入WTO,人们的观念会更新、消费会更理智、汽车租赁市场会蒸蒸日上。