In the past, China is more traditional, and when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their people know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation. But now, a increasing number of young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family home at an early age, marry—or live with—people whom their parents have never met and choose occupations different from those of their parents.
Also, the speed at which changes are taking place in China is another cause of the gap between the generations. In the past, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but now the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.
当同龄人已经开始学习乘法计算时,四岁的我还搞不太清楚1 + 1 = 2的问题,所以甚至因此被人怀疑是不是低能儿.但到了六岁时我却因为会心算三位数的成法而得到了提前入学的机会,而这个时候人们又开始觉得我是个小神童.其实一路走来,我并不觉得自己是他们眼里的神通,我只是一个一直对于自己很诚实,并...
帮忙翻译几句英语!机器翻译的不要,要按顺序 谢谢了。
1. 你知道你正处于全世界最适合购买袜子的地方吗?2. 我对袜子的兴趣很快便被我对他的兴趣所取代。3. 【mainthan不是一个英文字,可能楼主打错了,所以用believe取代,翻译过来是】他们相信旅行能让他们的知识更为广博。4. 他们却为旅行所需要的大量金钱和体力争论旅行的益处。5. 需要英文的意思的...
翻译一下英文,英翻中 机器翻得勿进
贯彻人译,抵制机译!Remarks:注意事项:Quality\/quantity discrepancy:In case of quality discrepancy,claim should be filed by buyer within 1 month after the arrival of goods at port of destination while for quality,descrepancy,claim should be filed by buyer within 15 days after the arri...
帮忙翻译,不要机器翻的THIS TIME IS DIFFERENTwas published last Sept...
THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT 在九月份出版了,就在这个国家正与几乎要失去控制的金融危机进行搏斗、求职市场萧条的时候。尽管救助资金一笔接着一笔,市场刺激不断,金融战争仍在继续。
求翻译成英文!机器翻的不要 谢谢。
read some books on technology development.还参加朋友聚会,as well as took part in friend party.游览一些文化古迹, 完成作业后帮助父母做家务。visited some historic sites, and helped parents with their housework when finish the homework.您好,原文翻译如上,句子都缺少主语。需要更多翻译或不...
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地道翻译。challenges oneself挑战,锻炼自我。 broaden mind开阔眼界 i wish to challenge myself and broaden my mind by seeing the outside world.there is a great deal of history and culture in Chinese language approximately\/roughly,how many people are there in class?不过我觉得这里的大约...
Gather my good friend or the old man's most precious memories. When I go to ask them, I'll tell them I've only got one day life, I believe that they will meet my request, because people don't mind will own story even spoken to a secret dying people. In exchange, I'...