
- 参加总裁组织召开的所有日常性会议及中高层管理人员例会,安排做好会议保障工作
- 各类红头文件、公司规章制度、公文的草拟、制定及修改
- 部门所需各类财务费用的申请、管理及核销
- 保持与集团各部室、各子分公司行政办公室人员的紧密联系,做好支持配合工作
ü 负责各类大型接待、会议、庆典等活动的组织、协调、方案流程制定工作
ü 保管集团公司所有定点消费场所会员卡及优惠券,按需分发所有烟酒饮料等
ü 分管集团前台接待、保安及保洁,做好日常管理、监督工作
ü 负责管理金蝶软件ERP销售及固定资产管理模块,确保所有信息的更新及准确
ü 主抓并落实集团及各子分公司ISO9000 质量体系、职业健康、环境体系认证工作
ü 主要负责部门制度/流程的制订、实施与完善,确保工作规范高效
ü 内销及外销订单的接收、筛选、下达、跟进及督导,从生产进度、产品质量、出货管理等方面对订单进行实施跟踪。
ü 订单、合同的签订及落实工作,与国内外客户的沟通服务工作。

第1个回答  2014-07-16
Job description:
- all the daily meeting to attend President organization and high-level management personnel meeting, arrange do the security work
- all kinds of red tape, company rules and regulations, document drafting, formulate and modify
- department of all kinds of financial expenses needed for the application, management and cancel after verification
With group each department office, each child - keep closely linked to the administrative office of a branch, coordinate support for the work
U responsible for all kinds of large-scale reception, meeting, celebration activities such as organization, coordination, the formulation of the solution process
U keep group co., LTD. All designated consumption membership CARDS and coupons, on-demand distribution of all cigarettes, alcohol and beverages
U in charge of the group, security and cleaning the receptionist, to do a good job of daily management and supervision
U is responsible for sales and fixed assets management kingdee ERP management module, make sure that all the information updated and accurate
U productive, and implement the group and each branch company to ISO9000 quality system, occupational health and environment system certification
U responsible for department system/process formulation, implementation and improvement, to ensure efficient work norms
U (domestic and export orders, receiving, screening, orders, follow up and monitor, from the production progress, product quality, delivery orders for tracking and management, etc.
U order, of the contract, and to carry out the work, the communication with customers at home and abroad services.