
1 立志的
2 体育锻炼+奥林匹克
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第1个回答  2009-04-26
Now ,every body know,English is very important.so wo all study english ,but it is not very easy to learn it ,what should we do whem we are studying english ?As i see it ,fist ,wo can not be afraid to lose face .because we have to speak loudly,the second,we also need to remember english words.acorrding to it ,we can listen to the tape and follow it ,finally, i think since enlish is a kind of language ,the important thing is how to use it .hold on ,you will be successful !本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  推荐于2017-08-07
Now ,every body know,English is very important.so wo all study english ,but it is not very easy to learn it ,what should we do whem we are studying english ?As i see it ,fist ,wo can not be afraid to lose face .because we have to speak loudly,the second,we also need to remember english words.acorrding to it ,we can listen to the tape and follow it ,finally, i think since enlish is a kind of language ,the important thing is how to use it .hold on ,you will be successful !本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2009-05-02