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摘 要: 状态检修是发电企业降低发电成本、提高发电机组的可靠性、优化资产管理的一条重要途径,这正在成为行业共识。多年的实践表明,在正确开展状态检修的发电企业中,设备管理水平大幅提高,经济效益和设备运行安全性得到同步增长。状态检修的科学实施需要可靠性技术、寿命评估技术、故障诊断的技术。本文从我国电力行业目前的实情出发,分析了这些状态检修的支持技术,包括设备可靠性评价基本方法、设备寿命计算与评估方法、监测及诊断。提出关于火电厂状态检修决策时机的选择的理论依据,及可实施性的检修决策时机选择方案。

第1个回答  2009-05-30
"The shallow opinion tourist guide salary fulfils system have problem and countermeasure "

abstract: That the tourist guide salary fulfils system is important aspect managed by tourist guide is to do well in tourist guide one of the system managing the core working , the person will have direct impact to the mass that the tourist guide serves rationally or not. At present, our country tourist guide salary has fulfiled parallel chaos of the system design , this has led to tourist guide invisible income instability and tourist guide service quality lessening also directly , has been aimed at this therefore status , the countermeasure the main body of a book is resolved having brought forward what tourist guide salary payment currently in effect system middle has problem and suggests that.