
姓 名: 性 别:女
出生日期: 婚姻状况:未婚
民 族:汉 户 籍:江苏省太仓市 目前所在:江苏省太仓市
毕业院校:健雄技术学院 最高学历:大专
所修专业:商务英语 人才类型:应届毕业生
求职类型:全职 应聘职位:英语,物流,秘书有关的部门
希望地点:未定 希望工资:面议


熟练掌握office办公软件,能操作 Auto CAD,自学了一些广告制作软件: photoshop,corelDRW,flash。


我不怕挑战,只是怕没有机会展示自我.希望贵公司能给本人提供一个发展的平台,本人也将尽自己最大的努力为公司做出贡献,创造财富! 相信我,选择我,一定是对的!

Name: sexual don't: female
Date of birth: marital status: unmarried
Family: han people in jiangsu province taicang current cadastre: household in jiangsu province taicang.
Graduated from colleges: healthy male technical college of the highest degree: college
The professional: business English talent type: graduates
Application: full-time job: English, logistics, secretary of the department concerned
Hope is to place: salary: negotiable

Practical experience:
January 2009 - February 2009 I maintain a winter vacation in the relevant fields of practice. Learn many things, a growth of knowledge, improve their social and communication skills. And I attended many activities in school, there are many lessons.

Computer aspect:
Mastering office software, Auto CAD, self-study can operate some advertising software: photoshop, corelDRW, flash.
English: through the English class A certificate of some relevant, etc.

Writing, All kinds of ball games, badminton, volleyball, Sing, Dance, Have certain painting base. Served as civic committee, add after school recreational, organization and starred in many times in the program, the program on the celebrations had singing contest in military training, single dancing, attended many online writing contest.

My personality, cheerful and lively generous, the interest is extensive, Open-minded, composed, bold initiative but not recklessly, Strong sense of responsibility; about collective, Initiative, treats people with sincerity, dedication, earnestly Strong interpersonal skills.
In the four years of college life, I very good mastery of professional knowledge, learning achievement has been good, learning has left, I read a large number of professional and extracurricular books, and often exercise, volleyball, badminton and other projects.
The study, the volunteers without broad indescribable, continuously to learn and work in the form of rigorous, sureness working style and excellent quality of unity, cooperation, make me believe oneself can completely in the post, dedication, whilst more business!
Good study habits of the work in a short time, let me grow. Although lacking in various aspects, but I know still greater modestly attitude and good team spirit that can let me improve yourself! Hope career can be obtained through their efforts to develop as the wasted day instead.
I fear no challenge, but fear. Hope you could give himself a development platform, I will do my best to contribute for the company, create wealth! Believe me, I must be on!
Address: the plum blossom in jiangsu province taicang residences garden 18. (2) 215400 zip code:

别人的英译汉: 名称:性不:女性

2009年1月- 2009年2月我维持一个寒假在相关领域的实践。学习很多东西,增长了知识,提高他们的社交和沟通的技巧。我参加了许多活动在学校,有很多课程。



第1个回答  2009-05-30
Name: sexual don't: female
Date of birth: marital status: unmarried
Family: han people in jiangsu province taicang current cadastre: household in jiangsu province taicang.
Graduated from colleges: healthy male technical college of the highest degree: college
The professional: business English talent type: graduates
Application: full-time job: English, logistics, secretary of the department concerned
Hope is to place: salary: negotiable

Practical experience:
January 2009 - February 2009 I maintain a winter vacation in the relevant fields of practice. Learn many things, a growth of knowledge, improve their social and communication skills. And I attended many activities in school, there are many lessons.

Computer aspect:
Mastering office software, Auto CAD, self-study can operate some advertising software: photoshop, corelDRW, flash.
English: through the English class A certificate of some relevant, etc.

Writing, All kinds of ball games, badminton, volleyball, Sing, Dance, Have certain painting base. Served as civic committee, add after school recreational, organization and starred in many times in the program, the program on the celebrations had singing contest in military training, single dancing, attended many online writing contest.

My personality, cheerful and lively generous, the interest is extensive, Open-minded, composed, bold initiative but not recklessly, Strong sense of responsibility; about collective, Initiative, treats people with sincerity, dedication, earnestly Strong interpersonal skills.
In the four years of college life, I very good mastery of professional knowledge, learning achievement has been good, learning has left, I read a large number of professional and extracurricular books, and often exercise, volleyball, badminton and other projects.
The study, the volunteers without broad indescribable, continuously to learn and work in the form of rigorous, sureness working style and excellent quality of unity, cooperation, make me believe oneself can completely in the post, dedication, whilst more business!
Good study habits of the work in a short time, let me grow. Although lacking in various aspects, but I know still greater modestly attitude and good team spirit that can let me improve yourself! Hope career can be obtained through their efforts to develop as the wasted day instead.
I fear no challenge, but fear. Hope you could give himself a development platform, I will do my best to contribute for the company, create wealth! Believe me, I must be on!
Address: the plum blossom in jiangsu province taicang residences garden 18. (2) 215400 zip code:
第2个回答  2009-05-30
Name: sexual don't: female
Date of birth: marital status: unmarried
Family: han people in jiangsu province taicang current cadastre: household in jiangsu province taicang.
Graduated from colleges: healthy male technical college of the highest degree: college
The professional: business English talent type: graduates
Application: full-time job: English, logistics, secretary of the department concerned
Hope is to place: salary: negotiable

Practical experience:
January 2009 - February 2009 I maintain a winter vacation in the relevant fields of practice. Learn many things, a growth of knowledge, improve their social and communication skills. And I attended many activities in school, there are many lessons.

Computer aspect:
Mastering office software, Auto CAD, self-study can operate some advertising software: photoshop, corelDRW, flash.
English: through the English class A certificate of some relevant, etc.

Writing, All kinds of ball games, badminton, volleyball, Sing, Dance, Have certain painting base. Served as civic committee, add after school recreational, organization and starred in many times in the program, the program on the celebrations had singing contest in military training, single dancing, attended many online writing contest.

My personality, cheerful and lively generous, the interest is extensive, Open-minded, composed, bold initiative but not recklessly, Strong sense of responsibility; about collective, Initiative, treats people with sincerity, dedication, earnestly Strong interpersonal skills.
In the four years of college life, I very good mastery of professional knowledge, learning achievement has been good, learning has left, I read a large number of professional and extracurricular books, and often exercise, volleyball, badminton and other projects.
The study, the volunteers without broad indescribable, continuously to learn and work in the form of rigorous, sureness working style and excellent quality of unity, cooperation, make me believe oneself can completely in the post, dedication, whilst more business!
Good study habits of the work in a short time, let me grow. Although lacking in various aspects, but I know still greater modestly attitude and good team spirit that can let me improve yourself! Hope career can be obtained through their efforts to develop as the wasted day instead.
I fear no challenge, but fear. Hope you could give himself a development platform, I will do my best to contribute for the company, create wealth! Believe me, I must be on!
Address: the plum blossom in jiangsu province taicang residences garden 18. (2) 215400 zip code:

第3个回答  2009-06-09
Name: Gender: Female
Date of Birth: Marital Status: Single
Ethnic: Chinese household registration: Taicang City, Jiangsu Province current: Taicang City, Jiangsu Province
Graduate institutions: Institute of Technology Jianxiong highest level of education: college
Repair by a professional: Business English talent type: fresh graduates
Job type: Full-time Position: English, logistics, the Secretary of the relevant departments
Hope Location: no hope of wages: Negotiable

Practice experience:
January 2009 -2009 I was in February, a winter vacation in the maintenance of the relevant professional training. Learned a lot of things, an increase of knowledge, improve their social and communicative competence of people. As well as in school, I participated in many activities, there are a lot of progress.

Office master office software, able to operate Auto CAD, a number of self-advertising software: photoshop, corelDRW, flash.
English: The English A-level, and so some of the relevant certificate.

Writing; all kinds of ball games, good at badminton, volleyball favorite; singing; dance; the basis of a certain painting. Served as cultural members to the Cultural Department of the school had organized a number of programs and plays, many times in the department presided over the celebration of the program, singing in the military training伴舞single game, to participate in several online writing contest.

I am cheerful and lively personality generous, interested in a wide range; open-minded, steady work, the work of a bold initiative but it is not rash; concerned about the collective, a strong sense of responsibility; treat them sincerely and seriously take the initiative to work, full of professionalism; strong interpersonal skills.
In the four years of study and life, I have a very good professional knowledge, academic performance has been good, there is spare capacity in the school, I read a great deal of professional and extra-curricular books, as well as regular exercise, like volleyball, badminton and so on.
No non-school only in Canton, as a non-chi-free school, in the constant habit of learning and rigorous work, down-to-earth working style and excellent quality of unity and cooperation, so I have no doubt that their positions can be in the Shou-yeh, work, more business!
Learning good work habits so that I have been growing in a short period of time. Although still lacking in the larger context, but I know the attitude of an open mind and good team spirit so that I can improve myself as soon as possible! Hope his career through their own efforts can be developed as soon as possible rather than a waste of time every day.
I am not afraid of challenges, not only to demonstrate self-fear. I hope that your company can provide a platform for development, I will exert my utmost efforts to contribute to the company, to create wealth! Believe me, choose me, will definitely be the !
Contact Tel:
Contact Address: Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, the SecondPlum Park on the 18th. (Zip code: 215400)
第4个回答  2009-05-30
Name: Gender: Female
Date of Birth: Marital Status: Single
Ethnic: Chinese household registration: Taicang City, Jiangsu Province current: Taicang City, Jiangsu Province
Graduate institutions: Institute of Technology Jianxiong highest level of education: college
Repair by a professional: Business English talent type: fresh graduates
Job type: Full-time Position: English, logistics, the Secretary of the relevant departments
Hope Location: no hope of wages: Negotiable

Practice experience:
January 2009 -2009 I was in February, a winter vacation in the maintenance of the relevant professional training. Learned a lot of things, an increase of knowledge, improve their social and communicative competence of people. As well as in school, I participated in many activities, there are a lot of progress.

Office master office software, able to operate Auto CAD, a number of self-advertising software: photoshop, corelDRW, flash.
English: The English A-level, and so some of the relevant certificate.

Writing; all kinds of ball games, good at badminton, volleyball favorite; singing; dance; the basis of a certain painting. Served as cultural members to the Cultural Department of the school had organized a number of programs and plays, many times in the department presided over the celebration of the program, singing in the military training伴舞single game, to participate in several online writing contest.

I am cheerful and lively personality generous, interested in a wide range; open-minded, steady work, the work of a bold initiative but it is not rash; concerned about the collective, a strong sense of responsibility; treat them sincerely and seriously take the initiative to work, full of professionalism; strong interpersonal skills.
In the four years of study and life, I have a very good professional knowledge, academic performance has been good, there is spare capacity in the school, I read a great deal of professional and extra-curricular books, as well as regular exercise, like volleyball, badminton and so on.
No non-school only in Canton, as a non-chi-free school, in the constant habit of learning and rigorous work, down-to-earth working style and excellent quality of unity and cooperation, so I have no doubt that their positions can be in the Shou-yeh, work, more business!
Learning good work habits so that I have been growing in a short period of time. Although still lacking in the larger context, but I know the attitude of an open mind and good team spirit so that I can improve myself as soon as possible! Hope his career through their own efforts can be developed as soon as possible rather than a waste of time every day.
I am not afraid of challenges, not only to demonstrate self-fear. I hope that your company can provide a platform for development, I will exert my utmost efforts to contribute to the company, to create wealth! Believe me, choose me, will definitely be the !
Contact Tel:
Contact Address: Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, the Second城厢镇Plum Park on the 18th. (Zip code: 215400)
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