


In 1894 the Japanese Imperial Navy provokes the Chinese navy to test defenses. Some Chinese want to make concessions while others want to fight. When Japan invades, some naval officers put up a heroic resistance.


The literal translation of the title of this film is: the wind and cloud of the year 1894.

For starters, the movie only describe one naval engagement while in there were many in the 2-year war, so the title does not exactly match the film.

Second, the film actually used the Chinese naval frigates for the Imperial naval cruisers and battleships, which resulted in obvious disaster: The Chinese naval frigates were former-USSR 1950's design while the actual Imperial fleet was consisted of UK and German design of 1870's. The eighty-years difference in design resulted in very obvious looks that can be distinguished by anyone without naval expertise. Don't know why that the film crew had not used models.

Third, the gunnery dual appeared to be spectacular, but just like the way the 1950's warships were used for those of 1890's, the post World War II era smokeless powder were used for much older powder that generates tons of smoke. As a result, the battle scene looks more like a 20th century firework show instead of actual naval engagements of 19th century.



In 1894 the Japanese Imperial Navy provokes the Chinese navy to test defenses. Some Chinese want to make concessions while others want to fight. When Japan invades, some naval officers put up a heroic resistance.评论:The literal translation of the title of this film is: the wind ...

In 1894 the Japanese Imperial Navy provokes the Chinese navy to test defenses. Some Chinese want to make concessions while others want to fight. When Japan invades, some naval officers put up a heroic resistance.评论:The literal translation of the title of this film is: the wind ...

该片的中文片名直接反映了其主题,"甲午风云",宣传海报共有18张,展示了那个时代的风貌和影片的视觉冲击力。影片的英文名则有多种表达方式,如"The Naval Battle of 1894","Jia wu feng yun"以及"The Battle of 1894",可见其国际化的视角和影响。影片类型涵盖了战争和历史元素,深度挖掘了甲午战...

※ 电影名称: 甲午风云 ※ 英文名称: Jia wu feng yun ※ 地 区: 中国 ※ 片 长: 95分钟 ※ 出品年份: 1962 ※ 影片类别: 战争\/ ※ 导 演: 林农(Nong Lin)※ 主要演员: Wenbing Zhou(Wenbing Zhou)Qiuying Wang(Qiuying Wang)庞学勤(Xueqing Pang)李默然(Muran Li)※ 影片简介:甲...


<甲午风云> 《 末代皇帝》观后感

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※ 电影名称: 甲午风云 ※ 英文名称: Jia wu feng yun ※ 地 区: 中国 ※ 片 长: 95分钟 ※ 出品年份: 1962 ※ 影片类别: 战争\/ ※ 导 演: 林农(Nong Lin)※ 主要演员: Wenbing Zhou(Wenbing Zhou)Qiuying Wang(Qiuying Wang)庞学勤(Xueqing Pang)李默然(Muran Li)※ 影片简介:甲午海战...
