t culturel est élevé, laconnaissance est intégrée dans le divertissement et les loisirs, l'art etl'histoire, la sculpture et le jardin sont intégrés.Le parc de sculpture deGuangzhou met l'accent sur l'individualité du parc thématique culturel, hériteet utilise des techniques artistiques ...
杭州西湖导游词英语 范文 1: Dear visitors, good morning, everyone, my name is Zhu Minjia, you can call me zhu guide. Welcome to "the paradise on earth" - the west lake. We will open the way to the west lake tour, we will go to visit butte, middle-east and thre...
下面是整理的导游词作文、导游词怎么写、导游词开场白、导游词结束语、景点导游词大全、导游证导游词,仅供参考:下面是一篇福建景点英语导游词。Short for Fujian province of Fujian Province, located on the southeast coast of China, and Taiwan province across the sea. The province area kilometer...
The Great Wall is beautiful, magnificent, winding, and you are welcome to visit it. 英文导游词2 山西 Hello, everyone! My name is xxx. WWelcome to Shanxi! Shanxi city of north-south strip-like terrain, the north-east, south-west low, thus forming a temperature significantly higher than ...
乐山旅游景点英文介绍 乐山英语导游词
乐山大佛英语导游词景点作文 乐山大佛是唐代摩岩造像的艺术精品之一,也是世界上最大的石刻弥勒佛坐像,国家5A级旅游景区。下面是百分网我给大家整理的乐山大佛英语导游词,仅供参考。 乐山大佛英语导游词 The city of Leshan is less than one hour's ride from the Baoguosi Monastery at the foot of Mt.Emei.Lesh...
哈尔滨景点导游词英文介绍1 Harbin is a sub-provincial city and the capital of Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China. It lies on the southern bank of the Songhua River. (Harbin is originally a Manchu word meaning 'a place for drying fishing nets.') Harbin today is still very much influenc...
凤凰古城,座落于湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州的西南部,总面积约10平方千米。2010年底,古城约有5万居民,由苗族、汉族、土家族等28个民族组成,是典型的少数民族聚居区。以下是为您整理的凤凰古城英语导游词,欢迎参考学习。Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fenghuang, a place被誉为“中国最美的两个...
净月潭旅游景点英文介绍 净月潭英文导游词
净月潭的英文回答和翻译如下 :净月潭Jingyuetan 急求英文导游词 吉林著名景点Not far from Rizegou Guesthouse is the Swan Lake. It is said that swans used to reside here. At the present time, the lake remains semi-marsh land eith waterweeds fully covered on the surface. In spring the lake resemb...
经典景点 导游词 的英文版你们会写吗?不会也不要紧,看看我为大家准备的 范文 吧,希望你们喜欢哦。华清池英文导游词 Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xi’an. Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li Palace on the...
四川黄金环线任选一个景点做英文导游词 300字
四川-峨眉山英文导游词 Mt.Emei is one of the "four famous mountains” in China. It lies about 168km from Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. Before the tour of the holy mountain, it is important to obtain some information about the spread of Buddhism in China, Buddhism ...