各位,新年快乐!!请各位高手们 纯人工翻译,机器、软件的就免了,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
翻译时最好能使用 词组、高级句型。。。
3句 在线等——急!英语中译英“青少年应如何过生日”!!!纯人工
2、这就容易使得一些中学生产生攀比心理。This is easy to cause unrealistic comparison among middle school students.3、所以我认为中学生过生日简单就好,这不仅符合我们中华民族艰苦朴素的传统美德,还不会造成家长的经济负担,在同学之间产生攀比现象。Therefore, I think it is better for middle school...
5句 在线等——急!英语中译英“中学生是否应该做家务”!!!纯人工
1.some parents hold the view that doing house work is good for the development of children's intelligence, and others think that studying is of the greatest importance, it is a waste of time and energy for children to deal with house work. in my point of view, i suppose mid...
3句 在线等——急!英语中译英“教师节送礼不送礼”!!!纯人工
1. In recent years, many students and parents present gifts to the teachers for Teacher's Day.2. Most people use gift as a means to express their gratitude towards their teachers. However, some do for the sake of doing favor to the teacher. Certain parents worry that their ch...
1,First, we must read much more English articles, it's good for us to take use of the langurage materials.2.同时,我们要重视学习语法,以便英语写作时能正确表达。2,Meantime, we must think much of the grammar for writing in a right way.3.然后可以通过背诵范文,提高运用英语思维...
1.你学习越努力,你的成绩就越好。The harder you work, the better your study you will be.2.我们相聚越多就会越快乐。The more times we meet, the happier we are going on.3.去听音乐会可别迟到了。Don't be late for going to the concert.4.据说他和别人相处得很好。It is said ...
驳倒了它的论证中关键问题,也就把谬论驳倒了。 驳论文的驳法有三种:反驳论点、反驳论据、反驳论证。 反驳论证相对于前两者更高了一个层次。 转载请注明出处 » 青少年沉迷网络的英语作文,带翻译 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 帐号...
1.他法语讲得非常好(terribly)He speaks French terribly well.2.我们的学校生活 活泼和令人愉快.Our school life is lively and pleasant.3.有人正在敲门.There's someone knocking at the door.4.当秋天来临,树叶开始掉下.Autumn coming, the leaves began to fall off.5.他什么也听不见,因为...
assistance of a pair of cruches.We will have a party to congratulate him on his son's birthday tomorrow.Today, I met with an old friend in the street.We are very happy today because our 填 meet with the headmaster's approval.He would rather take the subway than drive....
1.I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly enjoy being ...