Abstract: This paper analyzes thin tube slender tube-type plastic pieces of the structural characteristics of the process. And in accordance with the characteristics described in detail tube plastic parts injection mold structure and its working process, to determine a reasonable way of injection and mold release.
Key words: Process; gating system; ribbed tube; Injection Mold
1 Introduction
In the mold design process, often encountered in long thin tube-type injection parts, such parts of the larger aspect ratio, and shape permit must have the taper. Injection molding of such parts, there are often non-uniform tube wall thickness, surface with flow defects such as marks and charred. Therefore in the design of injection molds need to consider the casting mold system, exhaust system, cooling system, the introduction of the system. At the same time should also be considered loaded mold mold mold height and open itinerary. Mold structure as far as possible, compact, open-mode trip short.
2, process analysis
Shown in Figure 1 for the plastic tube size chart. Materials for the PS (polystyrene). We can see from the parts belong to the shape of thin elongated tube-type injection parts, die design and die in the process to determine the structure needed to be considered. Fig know by the size, wall thickness 1.5mm, the outer diameter size! 24mm, length 150mm, there is at the bottom of tube M24 Ã 30mm outer thread of the ordinary. Product requirements of uniform wall thickness, internal and external cavity surface smooth, burr-free edge fly.
Because of long thin tube-type injection parts, such parts of the larger aspect ratio, it focuses on mold design and injection molding Demoulding selection on the way. Because of thin-walled tube, andç身longer, it had not yet reached the molten plastic in the entire cavity is likely to occur before condensation and should not make a complete injection molding parts. In addition such slender parts by injection mold machine and therefore can not be away from the conventional way of Demoulding Demoulding.
Injection molding machine according to the selection of production conditions in the SCZ-125-type injection machine. Their specific parameters are: a high degree of loading mode: 150 ~ 300mm. Open-mode distance: 300mm. The level of column spacing: 400mm. Vertical column spacing: 400mm. A maximum injection capacity: 125g.
3, mold design
Three die structure using one mold plate structure 4.
Plastic parts to determine the shrinkage rate of 1.3%. Demoulding gradient plastic parts in accordance with the molding process characteristics and the characteristics of plastic parts selection Demoulding cavity gradient 0.6 °, angle core Demoulding identified as 0.5 °, Figure 2 shows Demoulding add gradient plastic parts after various parts of the material thick-size map.
Because of plastic parts at the bottom there is the outer M24 Ã 30mm thread, it must die structure using fractal lateral agencies. Injection Mold through the spring and the role of lock block to complete block of lateral Hough fractal core-pulling action.
Injection Mold Design Demoulding manner shown in figure 3. Push the board to adopt the way the introduction of plastic parts. And to reduce the top of the distance from the injection molding machine using a direct role in the top bar at the push plate. Greatly reduces the loading height mode.
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...英文为主的 英文1W5千字符一上 最好有中文对照 有中文对照的追加积分...
(2)复合模 只有一个工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在同一工位上同时完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 (3)级进模(也称连续模) 在毛坯的送进方向上,具有两个或更多的工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在不同的工位上逐次完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 3. 根据材料的变形特点分类 模具典型结构: 图1.1.2...
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模具工程师要学会看不同类型的图,尤其是国外的原版图纸,熟悉本行的外文术语,查查资料即可.学会思考:人家为什么这样设计?能不能改进?如果这些都能PASS就学点结构设计的原理与实例,最后成长为一个懂得模具设计的产品结构设计师.送上:模具术语中英文对照,全面、精选 回复 组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇 Ass...
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求外文高手来翻译 不要机器翻译的 好的追分
结论: 系统模块输出端包括顺序冲模组件的类型和适合尺寸,即模块、模块计量器(front spacer and back gage), 脱模机、冲压机、冲压盘、 背板、模架和紧固件等。 这样设计系统可以使模块传送的优质信息自动存储在不同的输出端数据文件中。这些数据文件还可以用于模具组件和模具装配的自动建模。研究局限性及...
再讲下就业吧。这个专业和专业相关的岗位有 ①冲压,注塑模具设计师,工艺师,冲压塑料产品设计等等。嗯嗯,这一块薪资一般,一般5k左右一月不多。但是随着经验积累工资可能逐年增长,当然目前传统的冲压模具这块钱难赚,汽车冲压模具这块好赚点,好一点的同学可以拿到7k左右(双非)②成型仿真模拟。这块比较...