英国一些特别的礼仪 习俗 禁忌等 中英文对照


  英国人通行西方礼仪 英国人崇尚彬彬有礼,举止得当的绅士淑女风度 女士优先原则 感情不外露 很有教养 遵守纪律 排日程要求准确,避免日程的突然变动 公务约会赴约要准时,可吃到几分钟,但不能提前 社交活动最好迟到片刻 英国人见面相互握手,道安,男子之间切忌拥抱 比较内向,寡言,与人交往初期比较矜持 交谈时,双方距离不要太近 忌讳打听个人私事 要回避北爱尔兰问题政治色彩较浓的话题 英国人不喜欢被统称为English(英国兰人),可将他们称为British(不列颠人)
  忌讳数字13,不喜欢星期五,视13日, 星期五为不祥的日子 厌恶墨绿色(纳粹军服色) 忌讳黑色(丧服颜色)不喜欢红色 忌用山羊图案(讨厌的动物)大象图案(象征愚蠢)孔雀图案(视为淫鸟,祸鸟)百合花图案(象征死亡) 蝙蝠图案(象征吸血鬼)黑猫图案(不祥之兆) 送花时,忌送百合花,菊花,红玫瑰(象征爱情)支数和花朵数不能是13或双数,鲜花不得用纸包扎
  British advocating passage of the British West polite etiquette, proper manners ladies and gentlemen Ladies first principle of grace is not feeling very exposed and disciplined education agenda requires a precise schedule, to avoid sudden changes in official appointment schedule an appointment on time, can eat a few minutes , but not before the British social activities to meet the best moment of shaking hands late, Road Safety, the man should not embrace the comparison between the introverted, reticent, reserved with people in the early conversation, the two sides away from taboo to inquire about a private matter not too close to the North to avoid Irish question the topic of the British political flatted not like to be referred to as English (UK blue one), you can call them British (British people)
  Taboo number 13, do not like Friday, as Friday, 13 days of disgust for the ominous dark green (Nazi uniform color) taboo black (mourning colors) do not like the red hanged goat patterns (hate animals) elephant logo (a symbol of stupid) peacock logo (as prostitution birds, bad birds) fleur de lis (a symbol of death) bat logo (a symbol of the vampire) black pattern (ominous) flowers, the bogey to send lilies, chrysanthemums, red roses (symbol of love ) count and number of flowers can not be 13 or even number, not paper wrapped flowers

英国一些特别的礼仪 习俗 禁忌等 中英文对照
双方距离不要太近 忌讳打听个人私事 要回避北爱尔兰问题政治色彩较浓的话题 英国人不喜欢被统称为English(英国兰人),可将他们称为British(不列颠人)忌讳数字13,不喜欢星期五,视13日, 星期五为不祥的日子 厌恶墨绿色(纳粹军服色) 忌讳黑色(丧服颜色)不喜欢红色 忌用山羊图案(讨厌的动物...

一、JuGongLi 1、Bowing is the courtesy of a subordinate to a superior or peer. Take off your hat when saluting, and take it off with your right hand (if you hold things in your right hand, you can use your left hand).2、Right hand hangs down hind body to be opposite,...

In Britain, everyone enjoys freedom of religion. As a result, various religious beliefs flourish in the central areas of Britain.There are two "official" churches in Britain: the Church of England (Anglican Church) and the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian Church). In addition, variou...




5.守时 英国人一向守时(当然也有些例外的,如果这次约会你迟到了,那下次约他也会让你等上几分钟),特别是苏格兰人。到了约好的时间人却不出现,是非常不礼貌的。就算你预计只迟到5分钟,也要记得提前电话通知对方。6.用餐礼仪 等等 如果有英国人邀请你到家里吃饭,提前get一些用餐礼仪。进了房间不...

微动作的秘密 务必注意,英国人忌讳拍打他人或做出不雅手势。如用食指扒拉下眼皮表示被揭穿,敲鼻子暗示秘密,而肩部耸动则可能表示疑惑或不感兴趣。这些小细节不容忽视。买卖的艺术 在英国购物,避免讨价还价,因为这被视为失礼。即使是高价商品,也要以尊重的态度与商家沟通,达成共识。记住,英国人更看...

1. 英国人给人的第一印象往往是彬彬有礼,保持距离。他们通常不会主动与人交谈,情感不轻易外露,很少有激动的时刻。说话时声音轻柔,能够自我克制。2. 了解一个英国人可能比较困难,因为他们很少谈论个人事务。然而,英国人并缺乏人情味。他们非常谦虚,同时也很幽默。3. 礼仪习俗:当英国人第一次相识...

