1, first pot join the amount of water, will a cut chicken pieces in water to didn't chicken, fire boil out immediately after wash chicken (must cold water pot, so after the noodles in soup, stew won't get hate gory);
2, put the chicken in the pressure cooker, add thick ginger, spring onion, add a tablespoon 2 roots (preferably shaoxing rice wine liquor), put in cleaning good Chinese wolfberry, dangshen, angelica (less put, a small piece of can), red jujube (4, 5 grain can, much put soup will have sour), GuiYuanRou 3 grains, such as fear, can remove heat, add 5 grams are YiMi jade bamboo, add some salt, less (make chicken ruwei), adding water didn't chicken a inch, cover with lid and valve, on the stove fire boil;
3, no-air glass spray steam pressure to fire after five minutes in, then change small fire pressure for 10 minutes (can keep the soup is clear soup, not turbidity), turn off the heat and pressure cooker pressure reduce waiting
4, put after picking up steam open the cover, the ginger, add a little salt and chicken essence seasoning (according to individual be fond of savory), a pot chicken soup is done, drink go!
Five, if it is to use common soup pot, should add water if stew, don't leave add some water, or soup will not fragrance; 10 minutes, then fire stew small simmer 1 hours (tender chicken, such as stewed old hen time want to extend a times), seasoning can;
6, still can use a cover of ceramic containers water-barrier stew (this stew method, is the most alcohol taste of guangdong commonly used method), will add stew containers of good material cap in steamer, conditional usable yarn paper wet on the container (water first adjusted the taste), fire evaporate 2 hours or so become namely;
7, if use, is not economic stew on water, steam condenses into fluids, taste is very aroma is full-bodied, stewed method and lie between water is similar to stew;
8, no matter use what stewed method, best will chicken oil cleanup, lest too fat to stew.
1, first pot join the amount of water, will a cut chicken pieces in water to didn't chicken, fire boil out immediately after wash chicken (must cold water pot, so after the noodles in soup, stew won't get hate gory);2, put the chicken in the pressure cooker, add thick...
急求一篇英语作文,以sometime开头的,有关梦想的,优美点的 谢啦~~~
Sometime I feel like life is always an urge. If you don't plan for it, you will be ended up as a loser eventually. So I should really start to follow through to ensure that I will be someone and make a different to our society in the future. I can't go through ever...
4、 潘安是我们小区里的一个挺好的的小伙子,人也挺和善的,就是有点胆小怕事,连平时炖鱼汤,鱼都不敢自己杀。 一个晴朗的下午,一栋大楼的人家突然冒烟了,邻居们闻到了烟味都跑了下来,“老大爷!”一个人喊到。这时,大家才想到那位老大爷着了火,但那位大爷还在家里睡的正香呢!人们开始议论纷纷,谁去救那位大...
父亲,孟郊曾说:“谁言寸草心,报的三春晖。”是的,你们给予了我许多爱与关怀,但我感到母爱是一种温馨,而父亲您给我的却是一种委屈。小时候,我刚刚学会走路时,母亲常在一旁细心关照,生怕我摔倒 。而您却把手一挥,对母亲说:“别害怕,让他自己走。”这给我幼稚的童心,蒙上了一层阴影:...
一、开场白 甲:采撷一缕阳光,编织成七彩的花环。乙:留住一阵清风,播撒出希望的明天。甲:付出一份真诚,打造出温馨的世界。乙:带走一丝烦恼,让快乐与我们同行。合:亲爱的老师、同学们,你们好!甲:校园之声广播开始啦!我是主持人 乙:我是主持人 甲:今天我们给大家带来的节目非常丰富,一定...
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最初对釜山的印象是李政宰先生常去的参鸡汤店所在,再后来是张东健与刘五性青春无敌,热血沸腾,跑在那依山而建的窄小街道上,如今,我对釜山的印象要加上爱子这个利落明快重情谊的好写女子。 在年少的岁月里,爱子是个恩怨分明的丫头,热爱文学,性格豪放不羁,爱写作也爱打架。看她斯文的接过签名书,表示感谢,转身却又...
...低压低怎么办?高压90低压50,急求医生帮忙 望大家多出建议,谢谢!
I want to cook some chicken soup.