Dear my love,
How are you ?
I have been thinking about you.
I write this letter knowing it will probably never reach you.
Many days,
as cold as winter nights
have passed since that time.
My weakness
And the way in which I hurt you
Disappear into the darkness.
I know we cannot back the clock and return.
I believe that not meeting you
signifies my last love.
I will never forget the tenderness you showed me.
You live on in each new day.
Your memory brightens the sky.
Don't hate me.
Don't become sad because of me.
That is all I ask.
I opened the window today and saw
A myriad of flowers blooming.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you.
To say goodbye
It's like being a small lost child again.
Sorry 对不起 I'm sorry 不好意思 I didn't pay attention to my words. 之前我没有在意我的措辞。Originally opened just a joke. 其实一开始我是开玩笑的 Didn't think too much. 我没有考虑太多。I forgot you have your own friends. 我忘记了你有你自己的朋友。Said that you deceive...
英文翻译结果:Recently the warehouse when receiving goods often find container damage and fouling, and shipping companies have been to our company collect repair costs. In order to avoid the unnecessary costs, hope abroad as far as possible to put forward a new box, because the ship...
谢谢。 请求大家帮忙翻译这段英文翻译成中文。 谢谢大家
四只小眼睛(大笑)我的身体还好啊 就是胃肠有些疲惫似的 正好赶上今天休息真是好啊 好好休息一天应该就会好的 最近真的很冷,请大家也要多注意哦 我正在乐此不疲地洗手和漱口 这张照片是在拍摄“爱情跳跃”音乐录影带时拍的 因为设定的背景是在护士学校所以穿的学生制服是公主风格的 真是憧憬这样...
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翻译如下:By then,the country's "green agriculture" centering on water and land will reach its full capacity,imposing the grim challenge of supplying a population of more than 1 billion with food.到那时,这个国家注重“水上种植”以及“土壤种植”的绿色农业将会满负荷运作,十亿人口的...