高分悬赏 求高手将这段中文翻译成英文!(不要用翻译机,保证语法正确)最新全国电话的光纤电缆由玻璃制成


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The fiber cable of national telephone was made by glass !!追问


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Maybe one day,TV,reformed into TV-computer by so-called omnibearing-networl,will become a part of high-tech. Nowadays, hundreds of CATV company,TWX included ,are taking advantage of fiber cable and speed-sensitive switch to construct the mnibearing-networl based on former cable. 最多这样了。。。不保证全对

第1个回答  2011-06-19
the new fiber optics of telephone in the whole country are made of grass.不知道这个翻译可以不,仅供参考。追问


就这一句话 ...急求

第2个回答  2011-06-25
Maybe sometime, our TV will be part of high-tech space, be tranform into staggered TVPC by omnibearing network. Nowadays, hundreds of cablevision corporations, including Time Warner are taking advangtages of fiber optical and speed-sensitive switch technolodge to build this kind of omnibearing network system based on original cable system.
第3个回答  2011-06-26
The future could one day, even our television can also be a high-tech space, was part of the so-called comprehensive network of ideas transformed into "TV computer"; Now, there are several hundred cable TV companies (including time warner cable, is original, on the basis of optical fiber and high speed switching technology using the all-round construction of network system.