

The Electrical Engineering Technology - Process Automation program provides you with the basic knowledge of electricity and electronics. As a student, you will learn to apply related subjects such as computer technology, industrial electronics, instrumentation, electrical machines, robotics, power electronics, and automated control systems. AS a graduate, you will be geared towards a career in the industrial environment.

You will be able to understand written and oral instructions, as well as design, install, test, modify, troubleshoot, and repair electrical systems.

Upon graduation, students of the Electrical Engineering Technology – Process Automation program can approach industrial electrical and electronic systems from the viewpoint of analysis, technical evaluation, design, and development. The six-semester program concentrates on the in-depth study of electrical and electronic principles as they apply to automated systems using programmable logic controllers. The program is geared to providing you with a sound basis for employment at the advanced level that may lead to a career in a supervisory position. `Thru-way` programs offer diplomas at the completion of Year 2 and have an additional year of study when there is sufficient enrolment.

Technician and technology graduates who have had two years of acceptable work experience are eligible for certification by the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT).

Students may have the opportunity to be involved in applied research projects. Please see the `Applied Research Centre` section for more information relating to the Sault College Applied Research Centre.


Today the world around us is changing rapidly. New technologies emerge and become obsolete in no time, it seems. In such a fast pace of electronic advancement, individuals equipped with such a “primitive” kind of technology like electrical engineering can feel low, inferior, and depressed. For them the chances of securing a sound position of income and honor may look quite bleak and remote.

But this wrong impression among electrical engineers concerning their profession can be quite baseless and drastically wrong. If tried, even in the present hi-tech world one can easily find out that the benefits of being an electrical engineer are diversified, plenty, and very lucrative.

Role of an Electrical Engineer in Society and Industry
The word “electrical” was derived from electricity. And every one of us should bear in mind that electricity is the only fundamental driving force of today's so called “ultra modern hi-tech world.” If the present super advanced electronic world is the “body,” electricity is the “blood,” and surely the electrical engineers are playing an important part to become the “soul” of this body. For example, in electric power generation plants, may it be a hydro or a nuclear power plant, it’s the electrical engineers who are managing the show, and without them the entire nation may suddenly fall into total darkness, chaos, and a stand still. Or even in our day to day life when the water pump motor of our house or apartment is out of order, it’s an electrical engineer who comes to the rescue. It’s only due to the efforts of an electrical engineer that any problem in our domestic wiring is solved within minutes. Obviously nobody will think of calling a microcontroller engineer to fix the above mentioned problems.

Options are Wide Open
As so far discussed the benefits of being an electrical engineer are ample. We will try to analyze and learn them in the following point by point manner:

•Today there are many industries which are running solely due to the involvement of qualified and experienced electrical engineers.
•There are industries manufacturing heavy electrical items like motors, transformers, pumps, cables, and even steel who are always very much in need of qualified electrical engineers.
•The scope for these engineers is also wide open in the industries manufacturing locomotive and auto electrical equipment.
•There is another very innovative option that today more and more electrical engineers are engaging themselves into. It is a simple idea of becoming self-employed.
•Many electrical engineers today are opting to have their own electrical workshops and shops rather than going for tedious and monotonous routine factory jobs.
•Having a shop can act as a double source of income for these smart electrical engineers. Along with the selling of the electrical fittings and appliances, they can milk a fat income through some prompt after sales service.
•Many industries like to outsource their job works. Electrical engineers with their own workshops can take orders from these companies and earn handsome packages.
Well it seems now the tables have turned and is clear that compared to the other professions, maybe the benefits of being an electrical engineer are unlimited and are here to stay.

1 The Electrical Engineering Technology - Process Automation program provides you with the basic knowledge of electricity and electronics. As a student, you will learn to apply related subjects such as computer technology, industrial electronics, instrumentation, electrical machines, robotics, ...

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