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The most important day in life

If I ask you: "your life the most important day is the day?" Please do not try so hard to answer, we should seriously think about it. Is the day you were born, you go to college that day, the day of your success, your wedding day is the day you become a parent, or the day you went away? Yes, these are important days of your life, can they not the most important day. The most important in life today!

The past is past, one can change, even if God can not do anything. For the past, no if, no maybe, not regret it later. Over the past can only make it in the past, we can only learn from successful experiences or find out the reasons for the failure, other are not important.
And tomorrow has not come, who knows what will happen tomorrow. If we can know, that's how the world will become dark: we will lose all the passion, life will be seen like an old movie, not to our surprise, it is difficult that we moved. We can only use our efforts today, with today's sweat, with today's program, to meet all of tomorrow.
Time is a great man born by chance, today is the opportunity to grace the only people given the average of the window. Life is a process of a "Today" put together from, we can grasp only the present that "Today."
So the most important thing in life today, because it is around you, you can grab it and use it later to make it an important day in your memory; because you can use it to reflect on yesterday, and plan tomorrow; for all ages are accumulated from now this moment, not the present, there is no eternity. The ancients had endowed "Poetry Today": "Today's complex today, today, fewer repeat itself! Today not as a matter of when. Person-years a few today, today is not a pity! No matter if the statement to be Ming Ming Ming again thing. King and talk Fu poem today, to start from today. "ancient knowledge today is still important, then we do? Treasure today! Grasp the opportunity now! Today, all waiting for you!




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