

第1个回答  2022-09-28

1. 没写英语作业的检讨书(要英文)

dear teacher,

i feel so sorry about having not finished my homework today. although there are some reasons, including going back home late and doing some housework yesterday which lead to limited time for my english assignments, i still believe i shouldn't use it as excuses for my wrong doing.

so, i write this self-critici *** paper to expressing my sincere apology and deep regret. moreover, i promise i will not let such behavior happen again in this semester and hope you, my dear teacher, could supervise me to achieve that goal.

yours, XXX

Dec,10 2014

2. 没写英语作文的英语检讨200字



今天正值中秋佳节,当众人品尝月饼、欣赏月色、享受这良辰美景时,又有谁知道我正在奋笔疾书、涕泪满襟的写着检讨。 通过这件事,我深刻的认识到了作业要及时完成的必要性;不及时完成作业后果的严重性;在同学面前君子风度的贬低性;被写检讨和被家长批评对身心的伤害性等等。

基于以上几点性质,我决定以后每天老师布置的作业,无论语、数、英我都要毅然决然地完成,要无怨无悔地欣然接受老师布置的每一项任务。XXX年月日Dear teacher:Last week, the teacher assigned a 13 - page assignment in the activity manual. although the topic is simple, the amount of questions is *** all and time is sufficient, I didn't pay attention to it. I spilled my passion on math and Chinese assignments, and didn't pay attention to English assignments or notice the seriousness of the consequences of not pleting them. It was not until today's English class that I repented when the teacher asked me to check my homework, and I hated why I didn't understand my sense of honor and finish my homework in time. But it was too late. when the teacher saw that half of the class did not finish their homework, he was furious and righteously assigned us the punishment of reviewing an article and copying lesson 5 for those who did not finish their homework. Today is the Mid-Autumn festival. when people are tasting moon cakes, enjoying the moonlight and enjoying the beautiful scenery, who knows that I am busy writing and writing reviews full of tears. Through this matter, I deeply realized the necessity of finishing my homework in time. The seriousness of the consequences of not pleting the operation in time; Demeaning demeanor of a gentleman in front of clas *** ates; Being written for review and being criticized by parents for being harmful to body and mind, etc. Based on the above characteristics, I decided that I should resolutely finish the assignments assigned by the teachers every day in the future, no matter in words, numbers or English, and should readily accept every assignment assigned by the teachers without plaint or regret.。

3. 没写英语作文检讨书怎么写200字











4. 英语作文没写求一篇5000字检讨

SavingElectricity Elctricityplaysanimportantroleinourdailylife.Itishardlytoimaginewhatthelifewillbeinmodernlifewithoutelectricity.Weusesitinmangways,suchasthelights,theTVsets,theInters,thetelephones,etc. Butsavingelectricityisnecessaryforus.Asweknow,electricityi *** adeofwater,sosavingelectricityissavewater.SavingElectricitycanmakeusformthesenseofsavingmoney,andprotecttheenvironment. Inordertosaveelectricity,wemustdoalotthings.Forexample,wemuatrememberthelighhenweneedn'tit.Wecancallupallthepeopletosaveelectricity.。

5. 关于考试不写英语作文的检讨1000字



早在我踏进校门,老师就已三申五令,一再强调______ 关于______的事情,我觉得有必要说一说。事情的经过是这样的:________虽然我知道这种行为也是不对的,但是我还是做了,所以,我觉得有必要而且也是应该向老师做出这份书面检讨,让我自己深深的反省一下自己的错误。 对不起,老师!我犯的是一个严重的原则性的问题。我知道,老师对于我的________也非常的生气。我也知道,对于学生_________是一项最基本的责任,也是最基本的义务。但是我却连最基本的都没有做到。事后,我冷静的想了很久,我渐渐的认识到自己将要为自己的冲动付出代价了。老师反复教导言犹在耳,严肃认真的表情犹在眼前,我深为震撼,也已经深刻的认识到事已至此的重要性。如今,大错既成,我深深懊悔不已。深刻检讨,认为在本人的思想中已深藏了致命的错误:思想觉悟不高,本人对他人的尊重不够,以后我将对老师有更多的尊重.对重要事项重视严重不足。平时生活作风懒散,如果不是因为过于懒散也不至于如此。为了更好的认识错误,也是为了让老师你能够相信学生我能够真正的改正自己的错误,保证不再重犯,我将自己所犯的错误归结如下:_________1.思想上的错误:2.行为上的错误:3.对同学和自己的影响上的错误:






6. 没写英语作业的检讨

我今天没有完成作业,本来我能认真完成的,可是由于我出去玩了,一直玩到很晚才回家,就忘记了写作业. 首先,虽然这次作业没有完成,的确不应该,是我的不对,老师是园丁,是教育我们的,是人类灵魂的工程师,是我们学习的榜样.老师辛勤的讲课,给我们讲知识,是为了我们以后有更多的知识.给我们留的作业目的,是为了把课堂上讲的知识让我们各家扎实的记牢和巩固,只有这样学的知识才会扎实. 其次,我自己深深的反省了,老师教导的内容是十分正确的,我没有认真完成作业,我认为是我由于贪玩造成的,这个是十分不应该的.假如这不是一次写作业,如果是高考,高考,我就完了.所以我以后一定杜绝这样的事情发生. 最后,我保证以后决不再此类错误,争取做一名守纪律的好学生.请老师和同学看我的实际行动吧。

7. 求一篇没写作业的检讨书(英文版的)

Learn, to ply with school discipline school rules is that every student should do, and it is the Chinese nation's fine tradition of the United States and Germany, but I, as contemporary students who do not receive proper it inherited. Like many Chinese young people are not aware of Christmas, it's been grand, like Christmas. We are all lost in the ignorance of discipline, do not understand their own learning objectives 。

。 Huazipiaoling artesian water, rang the bell, the noisy boiling, the teacher you are troubled times, in the heart of this melancholy Nan Xiao, for our ignorance, especially to your review. First of all, resulting in the most direct reason for the speech self-study is the difference beeen self-binding, and washing is pleted, I felt nothing to do; indirectly, and we hope to do something other than schoolwork, inevitably interact, cynical voices of When the bedroom on the boil slowly. Of course, this can not be a bedroom without discipline reasons. Mr. Lu said that Goethe said 。

。 。

。 We only have to seriously reflect on the underlying causes behind the search for errors, identify the problem and to give an account of the collective and his own, which will progress. After the bell hit violated the education management system, affected the normal operation of the teacher's work, This is unfaithful, a sin. There live up to the great parents I hope very much good to waste time at school, is the lack of filial piety, the second sin. Gengrang teacher your deep thinking for that matter, sad and disappointed, This is inhumane, the three crimes are 。

。 at the time of writing this review, I am my ignorance, regret the most. Finally, the trouble teachers and students time to review I conducted the review, and handed in this review, I am now in my test of being a teacher, 。

。 I fully understand that our well-meaning teacher education 。

。 of non-pliance bedroom discipline by no means a negligible *** all! As long as we have very good binding ability, learning ability, we have no excuse, no reason can justify the speech! We only seriously think about life so much more to do, the burden of so many to pick, there is no reason to play in a normal non-pliance after the bell bedroom discipline. To the teachers work hard and do not have to spend the usual, a lot of time and a lot of patience to teach me to not let the teacher and I lost valuable time, I followed the teacher to write a review of their mistakes, because I was the first Xie Jiantao and add a head dull, though with the whole spirit of open lunch time and not to external eyes with a heavy Acid 。

。 mixed feelings writing this review, but still well written, only pleased their study superficial only vegetables, not better use of our strong Chinese language and culture, please understand the teacher. Chun Chun to thank the teachers teach, I guarantee that if there is a weight to the opportunity before me, I shall do my best to restrain myself, and never let the teacher down. Asked the teacher to excuse me this time, the error bar 正好200字检讨,望采纳。

8. 没写英语作业检讨书要英语的,速求

I 'm sorry to get to do my homework . I should do it quickly after school . I should be shame , when you told me that . I promise it is the last time . I never fet to do my homework from now on . I was really wrong . I will do my homework everyday . I don't know that I dont' do it is right . Give me another chance to change ,please 。

2. 没写英语作文的英语检讨200字 尊敬的老师:上星期,老师布置了活动手册13页的作业,虽然题目简单,题量很少,时间充足,但我并没有放在心上,我把一腔热血挥洒在了数学及语文作业上了,没有重视英语作业也未察觉到不完成作业的后果的严重性。 直至今日英语课上,老师叫检查作业时,我才幡然悔悟,恨我当时为什么不深明...



2 准备不充分。毛主席说,不打无准备之仗。言外之意,无准备之仗很难打赢,我却没有按照这句至理名言行事,导致这次考试吃了亏。 3 没有解决好兴趣与课程学习的矛盾。自己有很多兴趣,作为一个人,一个完整的人,一个明白的人,当然不应该同机器一样,让自己的兴趣被平白无故抹煞,那样不仅悲惨...



我作文没够字数老师罚我写500单词的英语检讨书我才初二不晓得怎么写啊求高手帮帮我啊要是那种道歉形式的啊记住检讨主题是因为作业没写完而且我是英语课代表若有高手帮忙我重谢啊只要凑... 我作文没够字数 老师罚我写500单词的英语检讨书 我才初二 不晓得怎么写啊 求高手帮帮我啊 要是那种道歉形式的 啊 记住 ...

Dear teacher,I am really sorry for ... In fact, I didn't mean to do so...please forgive me! I promise that I will not let such thing happen again.Can you trust me.And please give me a second chance to correct my fault,after all, I am still young.I should ... no...


1. 没写作业检讨600字 尊敬的。 老师:首先我要对您说一声对不起,我错了! 对于这次我没有及时按要求交英语作业一事我十分后悔,而且认识到错误的严重性,对此我做出以下检讨并保证以后类似的错误不会再犯! 作为一名学生,我应该明确自己的学习目的,应该按学校的要求,班级的要求,老师的要求做一个学生应该做的事情!应...
