
1. The author unfairly assumes that the prosperity of the area results from the industrialization. (post hoc, ergo propter hoc)
2. The increase in overall property-tax revenue does not necessarily indicate an increase in tax revenue from properties in the freeway area.
3. The author fails to demonstrate that the residential area on the opposite side of the city is suitable for industrial use. (feasibility of the conclusion)

1。笔者不公平地假定,该地区的繁荣是工业化的成果。 (后此谬误)
3。笔者未能证明,该城市对面住宅小区适用于工业用途。 (结论的可行性)

第1个回答  2010-12-15

1.笔者并没有指出商务人士中哪一部份人是左撇子 2.用左手写字的人不一定就是左撇子 3.参加该试验的1000名行政人员不一定能涵盖所有著名的商业人士。(这些受访者能是典型的代表吗?)还是根据原文章来理解比较恰当!

1. Radio and television commercials may use memorable tunes and song lyrics in the advertisement because of the special characteristics of the media.鉴于特殊的媒体特征,广播电视广告商可以在广告中使用令人难忘的旋律和歌词。2. The manager fails to illustrate the effect of those advertisements...

1. The author unfairly assumes that Dillton’s current prosperity, if any, results from the policies implemented last year. (post hoc, ergo propter hoc) ★★★ 作者不合理地假设, Dillton现在的繁荣(如果有的话),是去年政策实施的结果。2. The fact that two manufacturing companies mo...

1. The publisher fails to establish a causal relationship between featuring international news stories on magazines’ front covers and the poor sales of these issues. (confusing concurrence with causality) ★★★ 作者在“在杂志封面特别报导国际新闻”和“这些发行杂志的惨淡销量”之间建立了错...


1. The president fails to illustrate that the decline in the sales of Fierce Fighter last year was not an aberration and will continue in the following years. (P→F) ★★★ 这个主席(或经理)并没有很好的说明:为什么Fierce Fighter去年销售量的下滑并不是偶然而且会在以后持续下滑。(P...

8. The president unfairly attributes the sales increases of those companies to their marketing of educational toys. (post hoc, ergo propter hoc) ★★★ 经理不公正地把销售量的上涨归因于益智玩具的市场。9. The fact that other companies enjoyed sales increases through marketing educational...

5. The author fails to substantiate the assumption that during the last 18 months all conditions upon which the effectiveness of the policies depends have remained unchanged. (P→C) ★★★ 作者没有证实这样的假设:过去的18个月中 政策有效的所依赖的所有条件都保持不变。(P→C: past ...


6. The fact that few of the healthiest citizens regularly eat sulia does not demonstrate that sulia is unhealthy. (U.C) ★★★ 最健康人民中几乎没有人平时食用sulia的事实,不能说明sulia就不是健康食品。7. The author ignores many other factors that could be used to evaluate if peo...
