
“罗马神话中,冥王星(希腊人称之为Hades哈迪斯)是冥界的首领。这颗行星得到这个名字(而不采纳其他的建议)是由于他离太阳太远以致于一直沉默在无尽的黑暗之中,凑巧的是冥王星(pluto)开头的两字母是发现者Percival Lowell是缩写。冥王星是在1930年由于一个幸运的巧合而被发现的。一个后来被发现错误的计算“断言”:基于天王星与海王星的运行研究,在海王星后还有一颗行星。美国亚利桑那州的Lowell天文台的Clyde W. Tombaugh由于不知道这个计算错误,对太阳系进行了一次非常仔细的观察,然而正因为这样,发现了冥王星。” 求翻译。。翻译成英语

Roman mythology, Pluto (the greeks called Hades Hades) is the leader of the underworld. This planet is the name (and not take the advice of the other) is because he's too far from the sun that has been silent in the endless darkness, coincidentally Pluto (Pluto) at the beginning of two letters is a discoverer Percival Lowell's abbreviation. Pluto is in 1930 was found by a lucky coincidence. A were later found error calculation "assertions" : based on the research of Uranus and Neptune, after Neptune is a planet. The Lowell observatory in Arizona's Clyde w. Tombaugh not knowing this calculation error, observation of the solar system have made a very careful, because of this, however, found Pluto.
第1个回答  2014-05-02
第2个回答  2014-03-05
第3个回答  2014-05-02