

圣埃克絮佩里【著】 1943



“你看看...... 这只不是绵羊,是山羊。头上长着角呢......”



The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 1943
In the face of an overpowering mystery, you don't dare disobey. Absurd as it seemed, a thousand miles from all inhabited regions and in danger of death, I took a scrap of paper and a pen out of my pocket. But then I remembered that I has mostly studied geography, history, arithmatic, and grammar, and I told the little fellow (rather crossly) that I didn't know how to draw.

He replied, " That doesn't matter. Draw me a sheep."
Since I had never drawn a sheep, I made him one of the only two drawings I knew how to make --- the one of the boa constrictor from outside. And I was astounded to hear the little fellow answer:
"No! No! I don't want an elephant inside a boa constrictor. A boa constrictor is very dangerous, and an elephant would get in the way. Where I live, everthing is very samll. I need a sheep. Draw me a sheep."
So then I made a drawing.

He looked at it carefully, and then said, "No. This one is already quite sick. Make another."
I made another drawing.

My friend gave me a kind, indulgent smile:
"You can see for yourself... that's not a sheep, it's a ram. It has horns...“
So I made my third drawing, but it was rejected, like the others:

"This one's too old. I want a sheep that will live a long time."
So then, impatiently, since I was a hurry to start work on my engine, I scribbled this drawing , and added, " This is just the crate. The sheep you want is inside."

But I wad amazed to see my young critic's face light up.“ That's just the kind I wanted! Do you think this sheep will need a lot of grass?"
"Because where I live, everything is very small..."
"There's sure to be enough. I've given you a very small sheep."
He bent over the drawing." Not so small as all that... Look! He's gone to sleep..."
And That's how I made the acquaintance of the little prince.
Le Petit Prince
Quand le mystère est trop impressionnant, on n'ose pas désobéir. Aussi absurde que cela me semblt à mille milles de tous les endroits habités et en danger de mort, je sortis de ma poche une feuille de papier et un stylographe. Mais je me rappelai alors que j'avais surtout étudié la géographie, l'histoire, le calcul et la grammaire et je dis au petit bonhomme ( avec un peu de mauvaise humeur) que je ne savais pas dessiner. Il me répondit:
《 a ne fait rien. Dessine-moi un mouton.》
Comme je n'avais jamais dessine un mouton je refis, pour lui, l'un des deux seuls dessins dont j'étais capable. Celui du boa fermé. Et je fus stupéfait d'entendre le petit bonhomme me répondre:
《 Non! Non! Je ne veux pas d'un éléphant dans un boa. Un boa c'est très dangereux, et un éléphant c'est très encombrant. Chez moi c'est tout petit. J'ai besoin d'un mouton.Dessine-moi un mouton.》
Alors J'ai dessiné.
Il regarda attentivement, puis:
《 Non! Celui-là est déjà très malade.Fais-en un autre.》
Je dessinai:
Mon ami sourit gentiment, avec indulgence:
《 Tu vois bien... ce n'est pas un mouton, c'est un bélier. Il a des cornes...》
Je refis donc encore mon dessin:
Mais il fut refusé, comme les précédents:
《Celui-là est trop vieux. Je veux un mouton qui vive longtemps.》

Alors, faute de patience, comme j'avais hte de commencer le démontage de mon moteur, je griffonnai ce dessin-ci.
Et je lanai:
《a c'est la caise. Le mounton que tu veux est dedans.》
Mais je fus bien surpris de voir s'illuminer le visage de mon jeune juge:
《C'est tout à fait comme ca que je le voulais! Crois-tu qu'il faille beaucoup d'herbe à ce mouton?
- Pourquoi?
- Parce que chez moi c'est tout petit...
- a suffira srement. Je t'ai donné un tout petit mouton.》

ll pencha la tête vers le dessin:
《Pas si petit que a... Tiens! Il s'est endormi...》
Et c'est ainsi que je fis la connaiissance du petit prince.
第1个回答  2018-11-10

原句:If you want to make a bond, you are to take the risk of tearing.影片最后小女孩的一句台词,她去医院看望老飞行员,把飞行员的故事装订成册作为礼物送给他,然后说“If you want to make a bond, you are to take the risk of tearing.”翻译过来就是:如果你想要和别人制造羁绊,...

原句:If you want to make a bond, you are to take the risk of tearing.影片最后小女孩的一句台词,她去医院看望老飞行员,把飞行员的故事装订成册作为礼物送给他,然后说“If you want to make a bond, you are to take the risk of tearing.”翻译过来就是:如果你想要和别人制造羁绊,...

“并不像你说的那么小……瞧!它睡着了……” And that is how I made the acquaintance of the little prince.就这样,我认识了小王子。 《小王子》剧情简介:剧中的主人公小王子居住的B612星球是一个还没有一间屋子大的小星球,上面的3个火山,才刚刚有膝盖那么高,上面还有一支小王子非常喜爱的玫瑰花。因为和...

He roamed among the planets, visiting the planets of kings, egos, drunkards, merchants, lamplighters, and geographers, and finally came to earth to try to find solutions to loneliness and pain.小说的叙述者是个飞行员,他讲述了小王子、以及他们之间友谊的故事。飞行员是个爱幻想的人,不...

就这样,我认识了小王子。英文译本:The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 1943 In the face of an overpowering mystery, you don't dare disobey. Absurd as it seemed, a thousand miles from all inhabited regions and in danger of death, I took a scrap of paper and a pen out...

"Ah!I am scarcely awake.I beg that you will excuse me.My petals are still all disarranged.…"But the little prince could not restrain his admiration:"Oh!How beautiful you are!""Am I not?"the flower responded,sweetly."And I was born at the same moment as the sun…"The ...

If, for example, you come at four o'clock in the afternoon, then at three o'clock I shall begin to be happy.如果你来,比如说,你下午四点钟来,那么从三点钟起,我就开始感到幸福。《小王子》本书的主人公是来自外星球的小王子。书中以一位飞行员作为故事叙述者,讲述了小王子从自己...


这个电影起源于一个小女孩。 她和一个老飞行员做朋友,这个老飞行员告诉她一个故事 当这个飞行员年轻的时候,他曾经坠机在沙漠里,在哪里他遇见一个小王子,小王子来自很远的星球 这个小王子很爱玫瑰,但是玫瑰对他撒了谎,所以他伤心地离开了这个星球,这个小王子去了其他星球遇见了不同的人,他一直...

汉译英 小王子
a most precious friendship in the desert. When the little prince left the Earth, the pilot was very sad. Becasue of that he always missed the time they shared together, so he wrote this novel in order to commemorate the little prince.英文版的小王子用的词是a conceited man.
