
高一新生 要做演讲用的 急求!! 100字以内

Respect, is face with a sincere smile, Respect, is published in others different opinions when listening, Respect for others, is the effort applaud. Respect looks like just dedication to the people around.
Respect is a great wisdom, because she knows so compassion. Respect others and has similarities between hard, meet the companion of excitement caper enough to cover "respect" that level slightly light. The difficulty is respect for others and yourself the differences. You think that smoking is harmful to health and environmental pollution but he regard it as a swap, he said the life should be proactive fresh strong but you just plain blue sky.another 1 comfortable life, thank vou everyone endless and same difference, respect is keep policy.it millions of his own life creed and from the objective perspective to appreciate the eyes to see each other, not demanding the same, but face are motiva ted.
So, respect other people's respect myself.

第1个回答  2010-12-18
Respect to Others When it comes to the issue of respects, some people say that they will respect others in the condition that others show respect to them, and some people say that they only respect the stronger and richer persons. In my opinion, all men need to respect others and be respected. Firstly, all men are born to be equal. Regardless of one's appearance, social status, health conditions and financial conditions, he has the right to be respected as a member of the society. Whereas, a criminal may be look down upon because equality is partly conditional. Since the criminal has done something harmful to the society, his rights are deprived by the law. But his basic human rights left will still be respected. Secondly, respects, in other word, esteems are crucial to an individual. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, men have five levels of needs: physiological, safety, belonging/love, esteem and self-actualization. Since we are living in 21st. century, a peaceful time, the theme of our life is peace and developing. So when we have solved the problems of surviving and safety, we are eager to achieve the other three needs. Among the three, as far as I am concerned, esteem is the base of belonging and self-actualization. We cannot live freely and comfortable without others respects and esteem. Esteems are the beginning of love and the ultimate result of self-actualization. To sum up, a healthy society contains respects of each other. Aesop said, treat other people as you hope they will treat you. Therefore, please show respects to other people and you will be respected. (nicesylvia)
第2个回答  2010-12-18
英文我不懂 我家是养鸡专业户 最怕鹰 哈哈哈哈