

I wassix when I started attending school. I was curious about everything,
eager to learn.It was quite different from kindergarten,courses began and
teachers wereserious. It took me some time settling in but basically it was all
fun and Inever cried like many other kids did especially on Monday mornings. I
enjoyedChinese class the most, the teacher would encourage us to act out the
storieswe’ve learned. It was a good experience of learning and also making
friends.Because you see we had to cooperate and rehearse,it was more of a game
for usrather than just words and textbooks.

I wassix when I started attending school. I was curious about everything,eager to learn.It was quite different from kindergarten,courses began and teachers wereserious. It took me some time settling in but basically it was all fun and Inever cried like many other kids did especia...

I'd like to talk about my experience in doing charitable work, which has impressed me a lot.It is definetly the first time to devote such long time in helping others seeking no rewards. My friends and I spent a whole day helping the old and in a geracomiun. We made the...

I’m sure that this happens to lots of you, say, you are watching a movie in a cinema with your friends, and there’s usually someone that keeps talking all the way with whole lotta spoilers, especially at the critical moments of the movie, or texting and tapping on their ...

第一二题拿到题目后用 15 秒着手想自己的答案框架和答题句,当 Speaker 缓慢读题的时候,可以无视语音的具体内容(建立在你熟悉考试流程的基础之上),继续去润色具体的开头句。等真正的答题 45 秒开始的时候,相当于已经在心理简要回答过一遍,现在把已经构思好的框架和开头句完整地表述出来而已。这样会...

您好.题目是可以看到的.要对着电脑说.1 2题45秒 3~6题60秒.

美剧也是类似,由于里面的口语都是最生活化的,而且用词也都很fashion,与托福考试十分的接近,因此也是很适合我们来进行模仿,当然我们既然是0基础开始学习托福,还是要把语音跟单词结合起来,当我们背单词的时候,最好是听着这些单词的朗读来背,千万不要再走以前只记拼写不记读音的老路,切记切记! 当然我们在用这些材料的...

1. 日常生活交流能力:托福口语考试的第一部分通常涉及一些基础、常见的日常话题,例如家庭、工作、兴趣爱好等。考生需要能够用简单的英语描述自己的经历、观点和情感,这部分主要考察考生在日常生活中的英语交流能力。2. 对学术话题的理解与表达能力:从第二部分开始,托福口语考试会逐渐引入一些学术性的内容...

而且,当你有一个伙伴的时候,你的伙伴会迅速的发现你自己的问题,同时也就能及时纠正! 6、Be poetic(充满诗意) 大声地念诗、演讲,专注在字的重音和音调。因为,诗歌通常都是琅琅上口,有节奏感的,多多练习有助于英语水平。发音准了,语调对了,语感慢慢出来了,这对记忆单词和交流都有好处。 3.托福口语的答题时间 ...

it really helps students release their stress from study by choosing some sweet and beautiful songs or music to listen and allowing them to forget their heavy study tasks for a little while. Besides, music can please almost everyone, but not all the students like taking photos and ...

