形容表里如一的成语 【成语】: 言行一致 【拼音】: yán xíng yī zhì
【解释】: 说的和做的完全一个样。指人表里如一。
【出处】: 宋·赵善璙《自警篇·诚实》:“力行七年而后成,自此言行一致,表里相应,遇事坦然,常有余裕。”
【成语】: 心口如一 【拼音】: xīn kǒu rú yī
【解释】: 心里想的和嘴里说的一样。形容诚实直爽。
【出处】: 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第六十五回:“紫芝妹妹嘴虽厉害,好在心口如一,直截了当,倒是一个极爽快的。”
【成语】: 名符其实 【拼音】: míng fú qí shí
【解释】: 符:符合。名声或名义和实际相符。
【出处】: 茅盾《全运会印象》:“那边的‘国术场’还有一个老头子穿了长衫舞刀,这在中年太太之流看来,还不是名符其实的‘大杂耍’么?”
形容表里如一的四字词语 名副其实、 以貌取人、
名符其实、 直抒己见、
表里一致、 心口如一、
表里相符、 言行一致、
关于成语(表里如一)的成语解释和意思 【拼音】: biǎo lǐ rú yī
【解释】: 表:外表;里:内心。表面和内心象一个东西。形容言行和思想完全一致。
【出处】: 南朝·梁·刘勰《文心雕龙·附会》:“首尾周密,表里一体。”《朱子全书·论语》:“行之以忠者,是事事要着实,故某集注云:‘以忠,则表里如一。’”
和成语(表里如一)意思相反的四字词语 【成语】: 言不由衷 【拼音】: yán bù yóu zhōng
【解释】: 由:从;衷:内心。话不是打心眼里说出来的,即说的不是真心话。指心口不一致。
【成语】: 口是心非 【拼音】: kǒu shì xīn fēi
【解释】: 嘴里说得很好,心里想的却是另一套。指心口不一致。
【出处】: 汉·桓谭《新论·辨惑》:“如非其人,口是而心非者,虽寸断支解,而道犹不出也。”《抱朴子·微旨》:“口是心非,背向异辞。”
扩展阅读:用成语(表里如一)写一句话造句子带有中英文翻译 伯父为人表里如一、光明磊落,所以只要认识他的人都非常信任他。
Uncle is a man who is honest and aboveboard, so as long as people who know him trust him very much.
Products not only need language decoration, but also need to be consistent.
To be a man, one must be consistent with his words and deeds.
It is simple and unadorned, the same quality, is not exactly what we should learn?
I don't think that this person is not the same as what he says, but he is an obstinate person who never corrects after repeated education!
Don't be confused by his appearance. He is not what you think it is.
Only those who are honest and frank, selfless and aboveboard can win the hearts of the people, and some people will be willing to go through fire and water for them.
We should develop the good quality of being honest and trustworthy since childhood. We should be honest, do practical things, and be a child that people like.
Don't make mistakes in order to make new friends or maintain a friendship. Treat all people with kindness and principle. The most important thing is to be consistent.
He is a good cadre who is trusted by Zizi. His words and deeds are consistent with each other.
Lao Wang is a man who is consistent with what he says. His boss is at ease when he works.
I hope this book and the introduction of the same, wonderful.
If you want to be recognized by the people, you must be true to the letter.
What is integrity? Honesty is honesty and trustworthiness! It is the same as what you say and what you do.
A good product needs to be as good as the advertisement, so that we can trust it and the enterprise can develop for a long time.
Mike is a real Chinese character with love and meaning, which is the same as what it says and what it says.
Be proud of being honest and trustworthy, treat people sincerely and keep promise, and be a good young man.
He is a man of integrity.