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1、你是我此生的挚爱 you are my love for a life time 2、相信我,只要我还活着,我就不会离开你 believe me,as long as i'm alive,i will not leave you 3、你要记得,只要我跟你在一起的时候,我心中眼里都只有你一人 remember,as long as i'm with you,you are the only person ...
翻译一下以下几句话 英语
1.Anyone can be tired ,nobody can bear all the sorrow for you,there's always been a time you should grow up yourself.2,Your tears have nothing to do with me 3.Waiting is not that painful before it becomes hopeless 4, Less seriously as you treat it and less hurt would...
翻译版本(1)The reason why I am here is that I want to look at this world with my own eyes and feel the love and freedom with my heart.翻译版本(2)That I am here is because I would like to view and appreciate the world with my own eyes and experience and feel the ...
Any students caught cheating on exams will penalized by the school.2、你是赞成还是反对这一计划 Do you support or oppose this plan?Are you for or against the plan?3、他帮助我学英语,我很感激他 He helped me with my English,for which I am very grateful.4、我周末常常带孩子去公...
1,Forget loving each other! maybe we can be good friends 2, In fact, we both are right, just not suitable for each other.3,To gain a person's love just by compelling results nothing at all 4, I think it right that to love a man does not necessarily mean to own him...
用英语翻译以下几句话。 我的英语老师是一个漂亮的女人,她对同学们很...
我的英语老师是一个漂亮的女人,她对同学们很友善,她性格开朗 My English teacher is a beautiful woman, she is very friendly to the classmates, her pleasant personality 她为我们上过课,也为我颁过奖,她是一个好老师。She gave lessons to us and awarded the prize to me. She is a ...
汉译英:1.在2007年,在一所学校中,几经风雨的种子,终于发芽了。Translation: 1in 2007, in a school, after the storm 's seed, sprout.2.为了使这颗种子能够茁壮成长,几位朝气蓬勃的少年为它遮风挡雨 2in order that the seed can grow sturdily, several full of youthful spirit young ...
to analyse why you can't success even if it's your turn.Maybe it is any factor lets you haven't the choice to success ,what people choose about whether should consider of outher's dealing way are always hard to count.再说一句,ygihoihu的翻译有很多语法错误,生搬硬套!
1, I'm going abroad to college, finish my studies, get a diploma.2. I like math, so I chose to accounting, I am very interested in it.3. This school has a long history of excellent academic style, strong teachers and a beautiful environment.4. My family and friends are ...
1. you must try to have a nine-hour sleep every night.2. They try to help me to learn English 3. You should eat less meat, more vegetable and fruits.Doing eyes exercise that's good for your eyes 4. How do you keep fit?5. What color is it?6. How much is this ...