
P010558 如果全部是黄色,可以catch1月10日的船。PI10559在1月13日发货,其他在1月20日发货。
以上是我司全体生产职员 尽全力赶工下的交货时间,请确认回复。

The discussion, we drawP010558 if all is yellow, can catch1 10th ship. PI10559 on January 13th delivery, other on January 20th, shipment.All above is our best production staff under the crush time of delivery, please confirm reply.


P010558 如果产品颜色全部都为黄色,将会赶在1月10日装船。PI10559将会在在1月13日发货,其他产品会在1月20日发货。

The discussion, we drawP010558 if product color is yellow, all will be cast on January 10th, shipment. PI10559 will be on January 13, shipping, other products will be on January 20th, shipment.The above is the staff in our company to crush the delivery time, please confirm reply. Thank you!

第1个回答  2010-12-27
We hereby to confirm that we can load on boat Jan.10 for order P010558 if all in yellow colour, and load anohther on boat Jan.13 for order PI10559. The rests are to be loaded after Jan.20,2011.
This has been scheduled by all our production sites, we are looking forward to your confirmation by return mail.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-12-27
Under our discussion, we figure out that P010558 , we can catch the boat on 10 Jan. We will ship the PI10559 on 13 Jan. , the rest will be shipped on 20 Jan. All these dates are made up under the hard working of our staff. Please confirmed the dates and reply to me. Thank you