某些家长认为,让孩子做家务是浪费他们的时间,家务应由父母承担。在英语中,这句话可以表述为: "Some parents believe that it's a misuse of their time for their children to perform housework, and it should be handled by their parents."这种观点在一些家庭中非常普遍,家长可能认为孩子应该...
有些家长认为孩子应当做家务而有些家长不这么认为 请你发表你的看法英语...
doing some housework can enable the students to have some sense of responsibility. There is a lot of housework in each family. As a member of the family, each one should do his or her share. Since a student is a member of the family, undoubtedly, he is of no exception. I...
Many guardians thought that the study does the housework to be more important. This is a nowadays common phenomenon. Now the social competition is intense, each family many are an only child, hopes that a son will grow up to be successful, hopes for the daughter to grow up int...
As we now, it is common that every family has one child,it makes the children to be spoiled, some of them even never do chores,in order to practice the skill of their housework,some parents start to give some money to them if they do chores In my opinion,suitable payment ...
I do not understand why some parents make their kids help with ho...
初二英语下册第三单元2b,课文译文(基本意思),仅供参考。亲爱的先生,我不明白为什么一些家长让他们的孩子在家做家务。现在的孩子 们已经承担了足够多的学习压力。他们没有时间学习,也没有时间做家务。做家务是浪费他们的时间。我们可不可以让他们只做学生的事?他们应该将时间花在学业上,为的是取得...
急需一篇英语作文,《We students Should Do Housework》
5句 在线等——急!英语中译英“中学生是否应该做家务”!!!纯人工
1.some parents hold the view that doing house work is good for the development of children's intelligence, and others think that studying is of the greatest importance, it is a waste of time and energy for children to deal with house work. in my point of view, i suppose ...